diet or exercise?


New member
Well I'm kinda stuck at 50kg for a month. I went down to 49kg only for 1-2weeks and am back again at 50kg. I exercise for 30min a day on treadmill. recently I'm rather lazy I skipped some day but I'm usually on my treadmill everyday. As for diet I still eat at night (around 8pm---that's my dinner though coz the one before was 5pm) I must say that I don't really watch my diet that much. So... would my weight go down as long as I exercise? Or I should stop eating after 6pm right? I exercise at night but juz today onwards I decided to sleep early and wake up to do my cardio. Please give me some advice thanx a zillion!
simple answer: both. Both are 100% essential to losing weight and keeping it off. They also feed off each other ... the combined benefit of doing both is greater than doing them seperately.