Damn these sexy good looks :]


New member
So I have finally worked up enough nerve to post a question in the "harsh truth" forum... [whooosh]:eek:

So here goes:

I have been dieting and exercising since November of 2006 and have managed to lose close to 39 lbs. BUT here's the catch... Ever since I can remember, I have always weighed around 165 lbs. For most of my life I had come to accept that this was just the weight at which my body felt comfortable. I could eat and eat and would not gain a single pound. But unfortunately, I could also restrict my calories and not drop a pound either! :confused: Since I've started this weight loss journey, I sorta knew this time would come, but I was always to stubborn to admit it...until now:)

So my question here is: Why am I having such a difficult time reaching 140 lbs? And what can I do to change this? Would this be considered a "plateau"?

Starting Weight: 196 lbs
Current Weight: 157 lbs
Goal Weight: 135 lbs
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 4.5''
Calorie intake: 1,500 a day
Exercise regimen: 3 to 4x a week cardio &weights, 30-60 min

Any advice is welcome! :)
Howdy welcome and goodluck! Wow great progress in such short
time! Congrats on your success can't wait to reach your weight,Tammy
Thanks for the welcome :)

I guess my good fortune in weight loss was due to end sometime!

Good luck to you aslo. Oh and BTW, I was told by Kelly that you could help with figuring out an accurate calorie intake. Any help would be great! Thanks
Please list in detail your complete exercise routine. Do you have a breakdown of your calories (pro, fat, carb)?

How long have you been doing your current setup? When was the last time you changed things up?
When you ask change things up? What do you mean by that? How does it help, I hear people say that all the time. Thanks for any input.
If you stick to the same diet, same training program, same caloric intake what happens? The body adapts. Switching up your plans and staying educated in all areas leads to quicker results and not plateauing.