ChubbyGeordie progress pictures

Don't get disheartened by the last couple of weeks - that kind of thing happens to everyone after a while of working on their weight. You are still over a stone down and looking the better for it.
Pop back to the forum and tell us how it is going - its the best way to get back on track if that's the problem. I gained weight while I was away - but am losing weight again now.
Thank you for feed back. I am looking to start again after a break lead by issues at work and a change in jobs which has put me in a bad place mentally. Glad to say with family support I am feeling better. I did however comfort eat. So stage 2 today. Weighed in at 211 I will a pic later for accountability and my new running streak will start tonight.
Great to see you trying to get back on track!! You did remarkably well previously; i'm sure you will smash it again!
204.8 lbs
Good to go down this time
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