Canadian Gyms

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Hey I just found this list with the different gyms that are available in all provinces throughout Canada. Good to know if you are looking into a new gym, or trying to find one in your area. They even have youth sports camps etc, etc, as well as information on drugs and supplements.
People can also try out YMCA. They are all over the world. :hurray:
I always choose gyms that are IPFA affiliated (International Physical Fitness Association). Sometimes it can cost a tiny bit more on the membership, but with any gym that is IPFA affiliated, you can work out at as long as you have the documents to show your gym participates in the program & your membership is active, the gym you are attending participates, and it is not within 30kms of your own gym. I won't join a gym that does not participate, as, if I move or travel (even to another country), I can still use my membership. When you move you can transfer your membership to another IPFA gym, and use your current membership until it runs out (as long as you have had the membership for a certain amount of time). It is a fantastic program!
I used to be at the Y too. THe good thing about them is that they are cheap and have so many differnet facilities. Also I like extreme fitness. They have so many locations everywhere. But some of them suck - they are old and smelly
I was 200lbs and now i am 150lbs. I lost the weight on a long process but now i know i can stay on this weight. It took me a year to get down to 150lbs. I started to train muay thai/kickboxing in a different gym that has it as a fitness program. I trained with another girl, which was very hard in the begining because i was very shy. But she motivated me to kept going and also i tried a nutritionist. I can tell, the work out was amazing and i made good friends. Now i am training at Renegade Muay Thai Kickboxing Fitness, Toronto. If you have a chance, you should try.
The society is facing problems with such laws. This has to go legal and it’s needed to be sorted at the earliest
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I like Extreme Fitness gyms. They are cool....clean, well mostly the new ones....the old ones are shit..I wonder if they are going to expand to the states...
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