C Section Mommies!!!

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Hey Gurls!!

I had my first baby 4 weeks ago Tuesday ( 11-20 ), and had a C Section after I was deemed unable to progress in dialation...so my question is...

How long should I wait before doing modified sit ups?? I mean I haven't been sore at all since 1.5 weeks, and I feel great, but I don't wanna do anything stupid and mess something up...HELP!!!
what does your doctor say?

I don't wanna do anything stupid and mess something up
then don't ask for advice on something like that from strangers on an iternet forum - ASK your doctor...
I agree with Mal~
You need to ask your doc. Just cuz' you feel fine doesn't mean a hill a beans.
Be safe and ask doc first.
Drs say wait 6 weeks to do anything, I waited 8 just to make sure.. better safe than sorry!

I would say ask your Dr, also, do it when you feel you're ready!
My doctor told me to wait 6 months before exercising after my c-section. Its because your uterus needs the time to heal or you could do damage to it.
My doctor told me to wait 6 months before exercising after my c-section. Its because your uterus needs the time to heal or you could do damage to it.

6 MONTHS?? Are you sure about that? I was told no exercise, no sex, and no tampons for 6 weeks.. The after your 6 week check up, if you're good to go, then do it!
hello,this is my first post

i have an 18 month old son,and i had a c-sec. i was told not to lift or excerc. for 6 weeks.after my 6 week checkup he said it was ok to excerc. but not to over do it start slowly.
i only gained 10 pounds during my pregnancy,but i was overweight before getting pregnant..i had gestational diab. and high bloodpress.i watched what i ate while pregnant because of health problems,but since having him i just can't seem to get the weight off. i am 5'1 and weigh 210 pounds . my starting weight was 223 lbs.i have been taking phentramine for 3 months but still everyday is a struggle.i loose 5 pounds and gain 8 its a never ending battle.
Hey Gurls!!

I had my first baby 4 weeks ago Tuesday ( 11-20 ), and had a C Section after I was deemed unable to progress in dialation...so my question is...

How long should I wait before doing modified sit ups?? I mean I haven't been sore at all since 1.5 weeks, and I feel great, but I don't wanna do anything stupid and mess something up...HELP!!!

Kind of a harsh reply from the first poster. I have had two c-sections and was told 6-8 weeks. You do NOT want to push it :) But seeing when your post was written, I am sure that is old news for you!
My doctor told me to wait 6 months before exercising after my c-section. Its because your uterus needs the time to heal or you could do damage to it.

that is commical. There is no way on earth you would need to wait 6 months before doing exercise after a c-section. Not even with a vertical cut and over 60 staples did I have to wait 6 months. I would ask your doctor about that again to clear it up
I had a c-section and was told 6 weeks. After that to start slow. Make sure not to do leg lifts or anything for lower abdominals until the upper part starts to come back together. When u are doing a sit up u should put your hand on your abs and feel the split. when you don't feel it on the top than you can work the bottom.
I would wait 8 weeks to be safe. Start light and build up your intensity. Those muscles were cut, so it will take a while to get them back in shape. Don't start out too hard, just start light and build up. :)
Abs after c-section

8 weeks is not long enough. 6 months is the right time to start doing proper sit ups. Exercise is ok, just not vigorous sit ups.

Your wound may look healed on top, but trust me, there's still heaps going on underneath. PLEASE wait for at least 3 months! Even if your wound doesn't open, it will take longer to heal, you'll have more adhesions and greater separation of the muscles.
Obviously this thread was created a long time ago, but I just want to share my opinion and clear something up...

Your muscles are NOT cut during a C-section. They are simply moved out of the way to cut the other tissues and uterus. But because of this they are stretched A LOT! At your 6 week check up... this would be something to ask your doctor and I'm sure if you he feels you've healed properly and you feel up to it, then he will okay it.
I had asked my doctor at my 2wk PP appt. if I could do any kind of exercises because I was feeling really good. She told me no especially abs exercises because she didn't want me compromising the healing of my c-section incision which makes sense. At my 6wk PP appt. she looked at my scar and told me it looked good and it was all healed and to go have fun working out! ....Of course the orig. poster wrote this a long time ago so im sure she has done many ab exercises since than lol.
After my first c-section, my doctor gave me the okay around four weeks. With this one (three weeks ago), I'm waiting a little longer.

Key is to ask your doctor--that's the only one who will know if you're ready!
question /advice about post c section

Hi. I have had my third C Section. Just wondering if anyone else has the issue I seem to. I have lost weight and am continuing to do so by exercise and diet. The more I loose the more my "pouch" of skin keeps getting bigger and stretching lower and lower. Just wondering if anyone else has this issue. If so how did you overcome it or work through that mental/emotional battle. Also is this something that surgically I should address? Any thoughts on the idea would be WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!
Hi. I have had my third C Section. Just wondering if anyone else has the issue I seem to. I have lost weight and am continuing to do so by exercise and diet. The more I loose the more my "pouch" of skin keeps getting bigger and stretching lower and lower. Just wondering if anyone else has this issue. If so how did you overcome it or work through that mental/emotional battle. Also is this something that surgically I should address? Any thoughts on the idea would be WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!

I find exercises such as hula hooping, dance and yoga much more effective on the waist line and much more gentle. This is something I religiously do every single day off my life. I don't expect to keep a flat stomach otherwise.

I am really strict with the kind of foods i put into my body so its pretty impossible for me to bloat or carry weight around my middle. i limit all processed foods and include lots of seeds, nuts and fresh seafood into my diet. I eat about 80 % raw vege diet as well. It has a huge impact on your health and your body.

I do a huge amount of core exercises and pay attention to my posture at all times. All of these things will affect how your body returns to shape, and in some cases it will return better than ever. i strongly believe this.
My doctor said it would take a year to recover from a c-section. Any exercise before then should not be too demanding. Walking is likely the easiest exercise to do that won't demand too much of your body right away.

I jogged way to quickly after three months of having my daughter because I was trying to get back to my car after a long walk with her and my lower abdomen ached for days. Jogging after just three months was really not a good thing for me to do.

Definitely take your time and listen to your body.
That's the same thing my doctor told me.
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