Butt development rate :)

Hi all,

For simple vanity reasons, I've decided to try and improve the tone of my posterior.

I've looked up a few exercises that might help, but they're often listed in seemingly random order, and I'm hoping for a bit more detail about the strengths and weaknesses of the alternative exercises (I'm only interested in ones I can do at home, though - already got a gym routine).

I don't really know any by name though, so if anyone's got any to recommend, I'd much appreciate links to a comprehensive description of what they're actually talking about.

The other thing I'd really like to know is roughly how much gain I can expect by doing x thingamibobs a day, ideally with some comparison to less/more intensive regimes - ie 'doing 200 thingamibobs holding each for 100 seconds will get you looking like a sex god in 3 weeks, but doing a more normal 12 a day for 10 seconds will give you some improvement in about 2 months, but you'll never really improve beyond that'.

Hopefully that made sense!


It takes a lot of discipline, desire and determination to get in shape at home, by yourself.

Be sure you are that person before you waste your and everyone else's time.
From what I see from the gym and those gals that does see results; this is what I noticed.

They do lots and lots of cardio for like 1 month and drop 10-15 lbs. (I am guess they are on big time calorie defeciet as well). Then they do some Squats but lots and lots of lunges with db weights. They also so some form of weight training and core excercises.
This after I give you a rep point. Disappointment has set in.

See I didn't know this. Try not to get banned though. I'm scouting more new members. So far the field is pretty empty.