burning sensation

i'm still a teenager, and i'm not sure when this first developed, but whenever i try to do situps on the ground or even when i laugh really hard, my middle/lower back just hurts. it's kind of like a burning feeling. i've mentioned it a year ago to my physical therapist whom i used to go to for my knee problems, and she shrugged it off and told me it was probably because i wasn't keeping my back straight when doing curl-ups or crunches. either way, it's starting to effect my workouts because i can barely do curlups without my back hurting. im thinking that it might be linked to my knee problem. any idea on what could be wrong with me??
I would aim to get a physical therapist who won't shrug it off. back injurys can plague you for ages. It could be a whole number of things. You might have inadvertently injured a disc somehow and not felt effects until later... jeez, it really could be anything. Go to a doctor, we cannot diagnose you properly on the forum. Good luck with it.. I hope it's nowhere near as bad as what I have/had.. (crushed disc)
What exercises are you doing for your lower back? I had a lot of back pain years ago and worked it away with regular exercise. I would highly recommend Stiff-Legged Deadlifts. 2 sets of 15 reps with the empty bar to start. Add weight slowly as you feel comfortable doing so.
the only back exercises im doing is simple things like curlups/crunches. after about 10-15, my lower back feels like its burning. could it be i just have a weak back or something? I don't do anything strenuous or anything either.
Crunches are not a back exercise. You shouldn't be doing more than 10-15 reps anyhow, but the fact that you are experiencing pain in your back leads me to believe that you are injured.
You might have a weak core, which can be remedied, but I would start doing deads if your back hurts you. Dswithers, isn't that kind of dangerous advice to be giving someone?
If you start with minimal weight, it should not be dangerous. Obviously, it would not be a bad idea to visit an orthopedist or chiropractor to be sure there is not some other underlying problem, if that is an option.

If all he does is ab exercises then there is a high probablility he has weak spinal erectors. Back pain is a classic symptom of doing too much ab exercise and not exercising the balancing muscles of the lower back.
If all he does is ab exercises then there is a high probablility he has weak spinal erectors. Back pain is a classic symptom of doing too much ab exercise and not exercising the balancing muscles of the lower back.

I think this is extremely likely, and while it may only be a part of the whole problem, building a strong back is an excellent way to improve your entire body.