Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells Review

Whats up guys.

I know everyone here trains at the gym, I do too. Sometimes though you just can't make it to the gym, or you just want to have a set of weights at your house just for fun so you can do a few curls before you go to work (whatever floats your boat).

I think if you DON'T have workout equipment at your house then what kind of man are you? Everybody has something at their house.

So these Bowflex dumbbells have been on my wish list for years. If any of you have ever had those adjustable dumbbells you know that they can be a real pain in the ass to switch weights in between sets, and the huge dumbbell sets (like the gym has) take up too much freakin space.

Great for some, but for people like me who live in a small studio apartment, space is not a commodity.

So finally, after being on my wish list for 4 years, I finally dropped the dough to get these. They're pretty freaking sweet. They're solid and they switch really fast so you can superset or whateverset or total failure your muscles whatever you feel like doing really.

If you want to learn more check out

P.S. Don't drop these. They're solid but they're not that solid and Bowflex doesn't reimburse you if you drop them from a certain height. So yes, they will break. Don't drop them.
Nice review, I'll probably get these. Thanks!