Bodybuilding.... YECH!

Answer me a serious question... Why does ANYONE want to look like THIS?

Halloween is almost here and it looks like Ronnie Coleman has his costume ready just in time!

He is going as a side-show freak, and if you don't give him a carb free candy bar he will crush your skull between his ripped glutes! :eek:

Right here he is saying, "Duh, has anyone seen my chromosome?"

With enough drugs to kill an elephant YOU TOO can look just like this! Seriously, if you put this guy's brain on the edge of a dime it would look like a pea rolling down an 8-lane highway!

Further evidence that stupidity is rampant around the world. Ronnie is the winner of the Olympia again, so now maybe he can afford to have that gyno surgery he has been needing so badly!

You think that's sick? You don't? You SHOULD!

Well, check out these "babes" (???)

I just can't even begin to think of what sick crap must go through those women's heads to confuse them into thinking that is attractive in any way. It borders on self-mutilation! Like one of those crazy Dutch performance artists who severs his hand and calls it artistic expression.

I would wager that if you could really look inside their heads, those women would have a very similar psych profile as an anorexic. What do they call it? Body dismorphia, or "bigorexia"? What grosses me out even more is that there are enough fetishists out there to drive that industry. Ewwww!

So why would there be ANY interest in bodybuilding or training for a competition? Seems like an industry that is past its prime and badly needs to be retired.
Your attitude......YECH!


You know by looking at your company's website a person could make the assumption that your fairly professional. misleading. I dont see your point in this posting. I would have to agree that I personally dont want to look like Ronnie C. but obviously there are a lot of people out there who do. You know better than I do how big of a sport bodybuilding has become. I think its pretty sad that you have to voice your opinion in such a childish way. Don't assume that everyone else shares YOUR ideals. Oh and the comment about the size of Ronnie's brain........well you have just shown your own inadequate level of intelligence. I wouldn't be so quick to point fingers if I were you. Grow up and learn some respect.
Sorry if my post offended you. My point to this thread is that I am personally offended DEEPLY that these freaks of nature are representative of the "health" industry, which in my mind is perpetrating a fraud! None of these people are healthy. That is not an opinion. Geez, half of the people photographed are in a "dead pool" on another bodybuilding site I post at. They are a joke and even THEY know it!

I have actually met Ronnie and talked to him at length. You are right that he is not an idiot in terms of his ability to converse, and he obviously works hard, but these guys have ruined bodybuilding for me completely, and they are creating an even worse problem for the teens out their who idolize them, shelling out all their saved money for some supplement that Flex Mag says made these guys this big. And you can't say too much for their intelligence when there are only 200 elite level bodybuilders in the world, and the average purse on a contest (if they win) is barely enough to cover their $50K + annual steriod bill. If they have that much drive why not try golf. If pays better even at the amateur ranks.

Outside of all that, I am for the most part professional, but I am also human, which means that I like to loosen up and have a little fun. That is where the captions come in. Got a better one? Take a stab at it. Quality entertainment for the whole family!
Thats through injecting oil directly into the body and trying to make your self really big, thing is it looks bloody awful.

Bodybuilding if done drug free will increase lean body mass and when done so results in your body burning more fat (as muscle is an active tissue) AND EVEN AT REST THEY REQUIRE CALORIES.

The above picture is not natural, but you dont need me to tell you that anyway.

Done safely and drug free is the best way to go, maybe you wont get as big as these people, but you will test your body to the max and change your bodys composition.

psychological risks noted,
goalposts known as normal set