Blood pressure

Hey, i know that having high blood pressure is bad. It can cause heart attacks and strokes ect. But if you have low blood pressure, what are the effects from it? And will exercising be good for low BP or bad?

I am not sure about all the negative effects but since your blood pressure is low that would mean its not pumping blood to all the parts of your body as its needed. This could result in fatique, fainting and I am sure other things. Not sure about the long term effects this is something that should be brought up with a doctor. I know there are meds they can give you that would help raise it. Just outta curiosity how low is your BP?
well ill have to look in to it, but i suggest if you have a low BP, firstly you need to look at your diet. some foods (that are good for you) will help your BP go up. as for exercising. as a safety, where a heartrate watch or something when doing exercises. my first thought would be that the BP would go up coz your heart is pumping more blood through your body. if your BP does not go up, then you will at least see this on the heartrate watch and can stop.. otherwise you'd probably faint or something.
talk to your doctor some people have a low bp and that is normal for them. they suffer not adverse effects from it. is your pressure really low or is it just on the lower end of the normal range. many things can cause low pressure from dehydration to kidney problems and certain drugs and that includes over the counter and herbal too. you are best to speak to a professional about it as it could be a signal of a deeper problem or it could be just right for you. but still get checked out.