Back pain

Ok, so I was benching last week and I hurt my back. I'll be seeing to it that form is perfect from here on out, I assume that was the problem. So I'm just not lifting and giving it as much rest as possible. My question is, is there anything else I can do? Or am I just screwed? :( I'm very worried about losing muscle mass from not lifting...


I don't know how bad you hurt it, but you may want to see a doctor, one he/she clears you, start lifiting again. Your back isn't to be messed with and if it isn't ready when you start lifting again - you'll just keep it messed up.
It's not that bad, discomfort when doing pushups, pain on flat and incline bench, no pain on decline. I will be seeing a doc soon though. Thanks.

Why, oh, why do people neglect form!?

The good news is that if you've already been training for more than a month, you probably have a good month before you start losing any of your gains. Keep eating right and you won't experience any early catabolism of your muscles.
It's not that I don't pay attention to form. If anything I would say it was a momentary lapse of concentration. It's been about 3 months (this time around), I've lost a lot of fat and gained more muscle than I expected. Good to know I won't lose the muscle in a few weeks.

Thanks again.

Hey Mark,

Did you change your Frank Zappa picture??


Have you tried heat? Ice is normally used the first day or two after the injury... But, switch to heat after that. Advil (ibuprofen) may help too.

It's common therapy to switch hot and cold (over the matter of hours) for prolonged pain. The cold, first, reduces swelling by constricting blood vessels - not to mention reducing pain. Heat then opens up these vessels again and innervates nerve ending causing the release of endorphines. This not only relieves pain, again, but the improved blood flow helps repair the area. Then you switch to cold to prevent excessive blood flow (swelling) and to relieve pain again. It's a pain free process of healing.
P.S., you're probably already following this rule of thumb, but - don't skip breakfast! Muscle catabolism is most likely to happen in the morning hours as a result of a lack of nutrients (i.e., your body eats itself for energy). Make sure to have a good carb-filled breakfast to give your body fuel for the day.
Haha, yeah it was time for a new Borat pic... :cool:

I've been heating it, but I haven't been using an ice-pack.

Yea, I never skip breakfast, but I am going to shift more carbs to morning and taper down throughout the day. I'm always sure to get casein at night/before bed to avoid catabolism throughout the night. So I'm covered there.

Thanks for all the help. :)

Back Ache

try applying some ointment like and dont overdo your exercise else you will pull yor muscle. i recommend once your back becomes completely fine then only start exercising.
upper back muscle tear

I have a microfiber tear in an upper back muscle. The initial tear was in March, but I have torn it again in May (in the same place). Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening over and over again? I know not working out is an obvious answer, but its hard to watch myself shrink and get out of the habbit of lifting.