Arm Pain

Hi, i am wondering how to strengthen my elbow, and shoulder(rotator cuff). Please leave me with any exerices you know of. When i pitch after a while i feel a pain in my elbow. Lower inside of my elbow. It feels like a nerve is gettin pinched. It you know of any things like physical therapy i could do. Please help!
The best way to strengthen your rotator cuff muscles is to use the YTI's. Lie on a flat bench face down with two relatively low weights either side of the bench in each hand. Slowly raise the weights until your arms are in a Y position, hold for 3 seconds and lower. Repeat 10 times.
Repeat the same exercise again but this time bring your arms into a T position so your taking them out to either side. Repeat 10 times. The same is also done now bringing your arms back up so they are by your side. This is the I position.
To strengthen your elbow you need to conscentrate on your forearm, bicep and tricep muscles. For your forearms tie some rope to a weight with a bar at the other end, extend your hands fully infront of you keeping them straight. Twist the bar up until the weight has reached it and lower. Repeat until failure.
For your upper arm try starting with tricep dips and bicep curls.
The pain at your elbow sounds a lot like medial epicondylitis. If your pain is at that little bony protuberance on the inside of your elbow, that is your medial epicondyle. The muscles that flex the wrist as well as your pronator teres muscle (turns the palm down) originate there. These muscles are probably suffering from some overuse. You need to stretch these! Wrist flexor stretch: hold your arm straight out in front of you, palm facing out and fingers pointing down towards the ground. Apply some overpressure on the hand, you will feel the stretch in the forearm. Prontor stretch: hold a hammer, yes a hammer, right at the end of the handle, with the head of the hammer on the outside, palm facing up. Apply some pressure to the head of the hammer, you are then stretching the pronator because you are pulling your forearm into supination (palm facing up). Also, strengthen your wrist extensors and supinators. Do some wrist extensions with db's and a supination exercise with your hammer: hold it palm down right at the end of the handle with the head on the inside. With your forearm supported on a table, rotate the forearm so the palm is then facing up. Then use your other hand to bring the hammer back to the starting position (because if you bring it back actively you will be strengthening the pronator!).

Sorry for the long post, but it takes long to explain these exercises in writing :(

Oh yes, and do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Good luck, hope this helps! ;)