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New member
Okay, I haven't been on here for a while. Just been to the doctors to get the pill that I've been on for the past 4 years and they've said that I shouldn't take that anymore as I've yet again put on more weight which has now increased my BMI to 40!!! And taking it could cause me to have a stroke. They said my BMI should be around 25. I know what I need to do but for christ sake.. I'm not losing it, I'm putting it on. STILL! I know it's my own fault but I'm so pissed off right now and quite frankly, shitting it that I'm still putting on weight. :( Does anyone else have no self control whatsoever????
Hey Toni, I feel your frustration! I myself have just reduced my BMI from 34 to 29 in the past few months via a very low calorie diet. I started on lighterlife, but this was £72 a week! So now I just get my meal packs from exante and keediet but there are loads of these type of stores online.

I have tried lots of different diets in the past, slimming world, weightwatchers etc but never lasted very long! This is the longest I have ever stuck to a diet and its the most I have ever lost too. VLCD are not for everyone, you would need to see your doctor first so they can give you the ok, but this is the easiest diet I have ever done! Not in the first week, the first week is hard but after around 7 days your body goes into Ketosis which all VLC diets induce. I wish I have learned about Ketosis years ago! I would be completely different now, basically once your in ketosis and you are drinking enough fluid (about 3-4 litres a day) then you stop being hungry! Its really weird! On busy days I have to remind myself to eat! All others I know on this kind of diet report the same thing, most people just go by the clock to ensure they have something, If I were you I would research ketosis and decide for yourself whether its worth trying, if you do give it ago, unless the meal packs you get say they give you 100% of you RDA of vitamins and minerals then I would make sure to have a daily A-Z too. Good Luck!
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