Am I over-excercising?

I am doing a lot of cardio excercise at the local gym recently.... its been only for about a week, but i am currently working aout roughly 100-120 minutes per day @ 120 - 150 beats per minute. I am 23 years old.

The question is, am i overexcercising? The thing is, feel fine afterwards. Not vomiting or dizzy or anything at all.

Any comment would be wonderful.
That seems like a fairly low intensity workout - so you are probably OK with working out that much, but it might not be the best thing for your goals. What are your goals? It might be better to workout more intense but shorter... all depends on you.
Sounds like your in a hurry to lose weight fast. You asked if your overtraining, to which i'd agree with Hemorrhoid in asking for what?

If your goal is for building muscle, then yes!