Adonis complex

i think my uhm friend has this...
he is always looking at himself in the mirror.. flexing and stuff even at school he will lift his shirt up infront of the mirror in the bathroom and check out his abs.. he worksout everyday and he feels liek **** when he dosnt workout.. this guy wont eat ANY fatty foods in the fear of getting fat.. he also complains about how he has to lose more BF even tho he is very lean.
what do yall think my friend should do? :-/
oh and everytime he walks around withought a shirt on he is always looking at his abs..
to amke sure they look good...
he needs to get beaten up

but seriously you should confront him and tell him this as a friend, tell him he looks good and you don't need to worry about it so much

he's just going to give himself unneccesary stress all the time, and start focusing on other things, more on girls, school, home, etc
I know this is an old topic but I just have to ask fuelsofar..

Did you really go up to your male friend and tell him how good he looks? LOL So hows the relationship going? Which one of you is the bi**tch
I was just joking fuel. Relax. Hug i'm glad your over it. Cause its stupid who cares what you look like. keep it scrubbin man. :)
The complex actually covers both ends of the spectrum. Anorexia to muscle dysmorphia or "bigorexia". In recent history it has become more and more common among men.

It can lead to abusing anabolic steroids and cause an individual to forgo social activities to the point it will ruin relationships.

“If your self-esteem entirely depends on your appearance, and your exercise regime disrupts your social and working life then you may be suffering from a body image disorder.”

Happy to hear you're over you obsession. It can become debilitating if it gets out of hand.

yeah, although im worried about tim14.. he seems to be showing all the symptoms :-X

tim! eat some food man. food kids are supose to enjoy! who da fnck eats pumpkin?
Yeah, for rizzle. It's not just that you need to eat, tim (you do), it's your attitude. You hate yourself if you stray from your diet a little? You hate yourself when your abs aren't perfect? It's not only obsessive, it's destructive. Learn about moderation. Practice it. Especially at your age. If you get youself into moderating your lifestyle, you'll be happier and healthier. It will help you in the long run more than any number of crunches you can do.