ACE Certification

Congrats! :)

I am in the process of getting my certification w/ ACE as a personal trainer. I am having a hard time studying, since it has been a while since I have done so. Can you give me a few pointers. Thanks:)
Sure, I can give you some pointers on the test. I wouldn't be good for giving pointers on studying though cuz I took the test at the last minute so I didn't study. As far as the test goes, there aren't a lot of questions on science. There were 150 questions and of those maybe 20 tops were related to anatomy or physiology. There were only a few questions dealing with nutrition too. I was disappointed since the science aspects are my strong points. But anyway...spending a lot of time studying that stuff wont really help much. There will be a few of those type of questions on there like "what is the sliding filament theory" or "which of the following 4 muscles is involved in abducting the arm" but most of the questions are along the lines of professional conduct, client assessment, and legal aspects. So if you have the book pay a lot of attention to the chapters dealing with those subjects and it will help a lot. If you have any other questions about it you can reply to this message or PM me. Hope this helps.
Congrats to everyone for passing their test.

Now what are you going to do? Build your own business or work for a gym?

What are your 3 BIGGEST goals for the next 90 days?