
Ok... im 15 year old male, 6'0" 147 lbs... im not at all fat, but i feel like my stomach sticks out a little bit to the sides... it doesnt go straight down, im not sure if anyone can understand that, but its a little soft.
Ive tried situps and crunches but besides a little definitition i havent been able to get a 6 pack... i play soccer right now, (probably run around 2 miles a day) and i eat pretty well. What can i do to get rid of the side of my stomach and what can i do to get a six pack? thanks :)

You can't spot reduce fat. However, fat over the abs is generally the last to go away for males. Make sure your diet is good and you'll need to do some cardio to keep the body fat low. Visible abs are 80% body fat and 20% weight training. The best exercises are weighted crunches and leg raises. :)

thanks, im just not sure how to tone that down a little bit. is there anything special i should be eating or drinking?

Not really, just make sure you're getting plenty of carbs to stay energised, plenty of protein for muscle regrowth, vegetables, you're staying well hydrated and eating healthy fats - not McDonalds. Try to keep junk food to a minimum, its ok on occassion but eat a lot of it and you can say bye to your abs. A multivitamin each morning would be a good idea. You could also try this: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/exercises.php?Name=Stomach+Vacuum
What sorts of cardio-vascular exercise do you do?

i play highschool soccer, so running is probably at least 2 miles a day. on occasion i bike, and on weekends i run around, play football or whatever with my friends... i think ill probably try those vacuum things.


Heard something about drinking a LOT of water, that actually makes you lose water weight???

can anyone clear this up for me... cuz its not makin sense to me.. haha

Just make sure you're getting plenty water, especially if you're using creatine. Don't drink too much water though, just stay well hydrated. I think if you get dehydrated you could put on extra water weight to compensate, I'm not sure though?
You need extra water if you use creatine. Most of the "mass" you put on during the cycle will be water weight anyway. Also, if anyone here is an endurance athlete, stay away from creatine.
If you deplete your body of water it will try to store some because you're not "feeding" it enough water, so the whole system doesn't work well. You may even get water retention which looks like flab. To the contrary, when you drink plenty of water your body knows it can use all it needs (and that's a lot with all the running and sports you do) and still have plenty coming in all the time. This way it's not necessary for your body to needlessly store any water since you're giving it a steady supply. Your body is a perfect machine. The same goes for eating 6 meals a day....eating every 2 hours (good food of course) you keep your metabolism going, if you starve your body for 4 hours it thinks you're not feeding it and slows it's metabolism down and stores food as fat for energy later. So, eat every 2 hours if you can and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Good luck, hope I helped! =^)
