Abdominal strain or hernia?

Looking for some advice here. I do dips on a regular basis and was doing them recently without weight when I felt a tight pain in my right upper adbominal muscle, second one from the top, it bulged temporarily, for about five seconds, then went down but left a little soreness in the area. Does this sound like a Hernia or a muscle strain? Obviously I hope it's the latter, as I'm worried.
So I'm not a doctor but it is real easy to diagnose this kind of stuff over the internet. I can even walk you through self surgery which will save you a ton of money over a real doctor. After all what do they know that Google can't answer. If self surgery is a problem for you then you may want to see a doctor which is what I seriously recommend. Good Luck.
I am 90% sure that's not hernia.Hernia will not give you pain but discomfort.Hernia is located in the lower abdominal and you can feel it with a touch of your hand and sometimes even see it.Don't freak out for now,but if the pain stays for a few days the best and only thing you should do is to see your doctor!!!!!Good Luck.
I believe you know that Dips are better than Push-ups. If you are feeling abdominal pain then there might be something wrong in your techniques. Are you sure you are following proper techniques? I have been practicing dip for more than a year. Initially I had faced pain in my elbow and my shoulder. Anyway I would like to share my way to do dip with you. Check that out and see if you find out any difference?

• Try to put your thumbs around the bar & squeeze it hard. The more force you apply to the bar, the stronger you are.

• Don't look straight forward, don't look the floor. Look to a point slightly in front of you.

• Take a big breathes while hanging with locked elbows & hold it. Lower yourself & come back up. Breathe at the top, not during reps.

• Don't let your shoulders roll forward. Keep your chest up & shoulders back. It's easier on your shoulders.

• Please cross your feet. Letting your legs hang means less strength in my experience. Squeeze your glutes on the way up.

• Your shoulders must go lower than your elbows. Deeper stretches your chest more, but your shoulders might not agree with it.

• Drive out of the bottom until your elbows are locked. Squeeze your triceps. No partial Dips.

Practice dip in this format. If you feel same pain after 1 week then you need to consult with your doc as there might be other issues of abdominal pain like food habit and gynecological disorder.
The symptoms of hernia are heartburn, nausea, vomiting and constipation so if you feel these, that is hernia. If the pain stay for a couple days, better consult a doctor.
I hope that this worked out for you. I just had surgery last week for a hernia that I got from working out. Let me tell you...it was not a fun surgery and the recovery is even worse. I can't do any type of lifting for 6 weeks now. So much for all the training I did prior. I guess I will have to concentrate on my food intake and other simple exercises for the time being.

I am trying to do some simple workouts that I found at . I am just trying to take it easy with them for right now but they have some heavy ones on there too.

Good luck to you and hope everything worked out.
