2024 Goals & challenges 💃


Long term member
My goals for 2024-
Get my lungs as healthy as I possibly can.
Lose 7 kg minimum.
Go for a walk every day, even if it's not far.
Play at least one game of golf a week. It can be just 9 holes.
Try selling some things, rather than giving it all away.

I will try to reassess at the end of every month & do an update/summary.
Please feel free to join me & share your goals.
Edited 31/3/24:
Learn to dance the Nutbush & the Macarena! 💃
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I had forgotten I had posted this & it's almost the end of March!
My goals for 2024-
Get my lungs as healthy as I possibly can. ✅
Lose 7 kg minimum. ❌ Nothing yet.
Go for a walk every day, even if it's not far. ✅
Play at least one game of golf a week. It can be just 9 holes. ✅
Try selling some things, rather than giving it all away. ❌

I will try to reassess at the end of every month & do an update/summary. ❌❌✅
Please feel free to join me & share your goals. Please do!
I'll change my "lose 7kg minimum to "Lose 1 kg a month" (hopefully times at least 7 by the end of the year)
My April goals-
Lose at least 1kg. I'm aiming for 2.
Weigh myself every week at least once.
Log everything on MFP.
No alcohol.
30 minutes of actual exercise every day, minimum. (This will probably include dance & I think I'll also get my weights out.)
At least 1 game of golf every week (except the first week as our course is closed. I'll be playing twice in the 2nd week.)

“Obstacles can't stop you. Problems can't stop you. Most of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you.”
~ Jeffrey Gitomer
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