14 years old and want to know how to improve

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Hello, I am currently 14 and a half. I am 5'7 and weigh around 120lbs-130lbs. (unsure, havent checked in a while) I do a home workout using 15 & 20 lb dumbbells and a pull-up bar. Not very athletic, only "sport" I have done this year is XC. I will be unable to go to a gym until I am 15 so until then, what can I do to improve my workout. It consists of push-ups, chin/pull-ups, sit-ups, curls, and a few workouts from P90x


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Add in squats: progress from bodyweight squats to goblet squats to Bulgarian splits squats.

Add in step ups and/or lunges.

Add in DB deadlifts, then progress to DB swings.

Add in bridges.

Add in DB rows.
Try building up to the advanced stuff like

L sit on the pull up bar for reps
Front lever on the pull up bar
And try to learn a muscle up it will benefit you when you try to lift weights

Also for legs
One leg squat (pistol squat)

You have a good amount of time to master these, it will seem hard but these will make your joints stronger which will prevent weight lifting injuries and they will also be easier to master since your only 14. They will also give you more relative strength than any other person your age unless their much heavier than you.