13 Year Old Need Help Doing A Body Weight Workout

PLEASE NOTE: I have a MMA bungi belt. It is supposed to pull your arms back a bit to add challenge.

I want to mix up my workout. I am starting Monday Novemper 26th.

Here is my workout so far (Feel Free To Add Exercises And Edit It Up)

Monday-Friday (Jog 1 Mile)

Mondays (Also Wednesdays)
20 Push Ups 5 Times (100 Push Ups total)
20 Sit Ups 5 Times (100 Sit Ups Total)

Tuesdays (Also Thursdays)
20 Grip Push Ups 5 Times (100 Push Ups Total) [Also called Diamond Push Ups]
20 Crunches 5 Times (100 Crunches Total)

Please help me re-arrange and add more to make my work out more effective. Need it ASAP!!! I also will want leg work outs ETC!
Some bodyweight exercises that can be good, and include your legs are below.
Squats with front arm raises
Sprint starts, literally into starter block position, take off, stop, then drop to do the same the other direction, switching leg positions.
Your workout programs are quite impressive but in some how age limit is also matters a lot, as you are in the age of 13 these are might be quite overburden, so doing physical workout in the very early age also need a perfect diet plan which helps to balance your body weight and growth.
4 consecutive day pushups is not a good strategy and no pulling exersize?
you should try:
day 1 pushups & body squats
day 2 body rows & abs
day 3 sprinting

also instead of 5 sets of 20-reps, do 2-3 sets to failure.
if you do 20 but can actually do 35, your cheating yourself out of all the intensity.
those last tough reps are the ones that build muscle & power.
at your age sprinting safely should be a top priority.
I see what you mean, but I am left confused.

2-3 sets to failure?
I was planning on having it more like
Day 1- Arm (Bicep and Tricep work out)
Day 2- Abs
Day 3 can be sprinting but wouldnt 5/7 or 4/7 be better per week twords days.
I don't like your split at all. You can train full body on all three of your days. I have a couple question. What is the 1 mile run for? warm up or conditioning? What is your diet like?
You are in major need of some glute, hamstring and low back exercises in your program. Post your current workout and I'll see what you need.
i dont know if your goal is strictly muscular endurance in the body weight movement patterns you listed, but if you're trying to get stronger then you need to work with body weight progressions that you struggle to complete more that 3-5 reps.

that or exercises you have to perform negatives/eccentrics for.

as for legs, working pistol and shrimp squats are cool, but if you're not in the game for size then you should work with explosive jumping such as bottom squat-squat jumps (tuck knees at top and extend legs back down to absorb all impact as quietly as possible) those will fry you out something fierce.

if you have any specific questions feel free to shoot me a message. i specialize in progressive calisthenics for the last 4 years.