10 minutes a day.

Due to time restraints and my shoulders HATING the weight pile this is what I've come up with. I'm 46, 5'9", 175.

10 pullups, rest 45 seconds.
10 pullups, rest 45 seconds.
10 pullups, rest 90 seconds.
60 pushups, rest 15 seconds.
20 pushups, rest 15 seconds.
20 pushups, rest 60 seconds.
70 squats, rest 30 seconds.
30 squats.

This takes about 10 minutes, give or take 15 seconds either way.

I've been doing this for about two months now. M-F.

Opinions please, all comments welcome.
Well, there will be a little benefit from this, but the problem is that you are only doing the same three exercises, which limits the number of muscles and ranges of motion that you train.

I'd recommend that you either hit the gym, or find some more, various home exercises you can do. Also, remember that you need to keep overloading your muscles to see progress. (For instance, since you can do that many squats, maybe you can transition into jumping squats or add some weight.)
Keeping in mind my goal is to stay hard. W this workout I hit forearms, biceps, triceps,front and rear felt, back, quads and gluteus. Not bad for 10 minutes. Did I mention that I do this onmy break at work? Thinking about replacing some squats w alternating jumping lunge...they r brutal.
Do you time yourself to see whether you are actually able to do the exercises more quickly as you get fitter? As you get stronger and fitter you could decrease your rest periods or increase your reps so that you are always progressing. Also, changing up the exercises will stop you from always working the same muscle groups in the same way as well as stop you from getting totally bored with it. Even if you tried different types of pull-ups such as wide-grip, close-grip, full extension, part-extension, chin-ups and do the same with your push-ups ie. triceps push-ups, wide stance push ups, staggered push ups, incline, decline, bomb divers etc. Just a thought :)