Sport Hydration question

Sport Fitness
My friend and I are both active, fitness-minded individuals. We have a dispute over certain drinks and hydration. It's not a matter of who is right but I'm curious if you guys can give some insight.

Caffeinated beverages obviously have a dehydrating effect but what about Crystal Light (caffeine-free) packets such as lemonade, peace tea, etc? Does adding these flavors to your beverage decrease or cancel-out the hydrating effect of the water in which it is mixed?
Smells a bit fishy
even coffee, despite the caffine, hydrates you. the caffine just doesn't null out the water that's present.

its gonna vary from drink to drink. crystal light is full of fake sweetners and flavors...does that cause the body to use more water to flush that from the system, causing more dehydration than straight water??

I don't know the answer.

what I do know is that water is best, and other things should be done in sensible moderation. (e.g. the fattest teacher at my old high school was the one drinking 4 liters of diet coke a day...)
The best is just drink more on water only . It's all natural and good . No artificial flavors, negative effects or what . :yelrotflmao: