Please help me in finding a weightlifting program for beginners

soccer is right.
"yoga this and pilates that" I'm so sick of it. None of those place enough stress on muscle to cause growth.
Also, in yoga you often do poses which gives you flexibility in the wrong places, like the lower back. And pilates is teh **** if you want to get short hip flexors and an anterior pelvic tilt. Also, they don't put the body under enough stress to really up the metabolism and burn a lot of calories. If you do yoga right, it can be a good tool for flexibility and the whole spiritual thing, but it won't give you toned muscles, less fat, and stronger bones.

Higher reps won't tone.. If you want the body most women want, you need to lift heavy.
It is well known that Derwyddon received blunt force trauma on the part of the brain responsible for good manners. Imagine a potential client of hers (let alone a newbie) seeing this type of behaviour as "advertisement" of her skills. Perhaps she should have gone into snake charming instead?

I'd love to have Der as my trainer instead of a lovely yet air headed trainer telling me to do 20 rep sets and pilates.

p.s. What do you consider to be an accurate indicator of fitness? I imagine Mreik to be pretty fit and healthy
""yoga this and pilates that" I'm so sick of it. None of those place enough stress on muscle to cause growth.
Also, in yoga you often do poses which gives you flexibility in the wrong places, like the lower back. And pilates is teh **** if you want to get short hip flexors and an anterior pelvic tilt. Also, they don't put the body under enough stress to really up the metabolism and burn a lot of calories. If you do yoga right, it can be a good tool for flexibility and the whole spiritual thing, but it won't give you toned muscles, less fat, and stronger bones." - karky

I try not to angry with ignorant men who have obvioulsy never done yoga or pilates enough to know that there are different forms but you have me quite pissed at the moment. Try out an advanced pilates or yoga class that is done with free weights and in a 95 degree room and tell me that you don't burn calories and don't build muscle. Most gyms do not have these classes because they are a liability to the owners of the gym, I have only gone to a few and would love to continue going to a private gym to do these groups but it is too expensive for me so I turned to the fitness forum to lead me into weightlifting again. I have no idea where you got the idea that pilates gives anyone short hip flexor mobility, they must be doing the exercises wrong. I have tons of guys in my YMCA classes that had not realized how difficult these practices were until their first day and they felt ashamed of their shaking muscles and inability to keep up with even a basic routine. These are very difficult practices and very stressful on your body if done correctly, so please do your homework before you criticize anything in public, you just may make a fool of yourself.
srleahe, without sounding rude I faced the same problem from pro-steroid hulk wannabes whose opinion of keep fit/weightloss is limited to a powerlifters/weightlifters approach.
srleahe, without sounding rude I faced the same problem from pro-steroid hulk wannabes whose opinion of keep fit/weightloss is limited to a powerlifters/weightlifters approach.

Thanks for your support. I don't easily get offended by people I don't know, but yoga and pilates are near and dear to me, even I am not advanced in these practices. My muscles have not been trained long enough. Beyond the fact that your words may have been a bit cruel, they are the equivalent of the words he himself used in this forum.

Soccer, I appreciate your effort but I think that you have a lot to learn about alternative work out routines. I want my workouts to leave me feeling accomplished, challenged and ultimately in a better state of mind than when I started. Power lifting does not do that for me but lifting weights does train my muscles a bit faster than these other practices, but faster is not always better.
I have to weigh in on this yoga / pilates thing. My wife and father-in-law are very into their yoga. I go to classes once a week or so. I find that it is great for joint health, mobility, stability, and recovery from my strength training workouts.

I also think that yoga gives a great body awareness and helps a great deal with relative strength.

Yoga has been around for thousands of years and much of the weight lifting form we use is derived from yoga principals. The same holds true for kettle bell training. (which is an awesome training system when combined with yoga)

I am under no delusion that yoga or pilates will get me the strength I am working toward. It is also not something that one would do if thay have the goal to gain muscle mass. That does not mean that these practices have no value. (that and I have never met any yoga people who care if they can squat 600lbs)

There are many fit people in yoga and pilates. As a group they are very health conscious, have a very good handle on nutrition, and have the ability to pick up almost any activity they want.

My father-in-law was going to have to have back surgery until he started combining yoga and different forms of massage. He is now fine and is in no need for surgery.

Finally, I believe that there is no one way to achieve goals. I believe that yoga and pilates can be a valuable part of anyones training program.

P.S. I may have spelled pilates wrong throughout this post. :D
""yoga this and pilates that" I'm so sick of it. None of those place enough stress on muscle to cause growth.
Also, in yoga you often do poses which gives you flexibility in the wrong places, like the lower back. And pilates is teh **** if you want to get short hip flexors and an anterior pelvic tilt. Also, they don't put the body under enough stress to really up the metabolism and burn a lot of calories. If you do yoga right, it can be a good tool for flexibility and the whole spiritual thing, but it won't give you toned muscles, less fat, and stronger bones." - karky

I try not to angry with ignorant men who have obvioulsy never done yoga or pilates enough to know that there are different forms but you have me quite pissed at the moment. Try out an advanced pilates or yoga class that is done with free weights and in a 95 degree room and tell me that you don't burn calories and don't build muscle. Most gyms do not have these classes because they are a liability to the owners of the gym, I have only gone to a few and would love to continue going to a private gym to do these groups but it is too expensive for me so I turned to the fitness forum to lead me into weightlifting again. I have no idea where you got the idea that pilates gives anyone short hip flexor mobility, they must be doing the exercises wrong. I have tons of guys in my YMCA classes that had not realized how difficult these practices were until their first day and they felt ashamed of their shaking muscles and inability to keep up with even a basic routine. These are very difficult practices and very stressful on your body if done correctly, so please do your homework before you criticize anything in public, you just may make a fool of yourself.

jessica biel squats bodyweight.nuff said.
I dont know why you cant grasp that most of america is drastically uninformed fitness wise... kinda makes sense considering obesity rates..
why are you coming to this site and ask for help if youve already made up your mind? besides what your doing now obviously hasnt gotten you to where you want to be, but you cant bring yourself to accept a truth.
I try not to angry with ignorant men who have obvioulsy never done yoga or pilates enough to know that there are different forms but you have me quite pissed at the moment. Try out an advanced pilates or yoga class that is done with free weights and in a 95 degree room and tell me that you don't burn calories and don't build muscle. Most gyms do not have these classes because they are a liability to the owners of the gym, I have only gone to a few and would love to continue going to a private gym to do these groups but it is too expensive for me so I turned to the fitness forum to lead me into weightlifting again. I have no idea where you got the idea that pilates gives anyone short hip flexor mobility, they must be doing the exercises wrong. I have tons of guys in my YMCA classes that had not realized how difficult these practices were until their first day and they felt ashamed of their shaking muscles and inability to keep up with even a basic routine. These are very difficult practices and very stressful on your body if done correctly, so please do your homework before you criticize anything in public, you just may make a fool of yourself.

Yoga and Pilates won't build any significant amount of muscle, deal with it!

I've done yoga and as Goergen said, it has benefits but it doesn't build muscle (unless you started out as a blob) and as for pilates; the weights used are too low to build significant muscle, it's a cardio workout at most
srleahe, without sounding rude I faced the same problem from pro-steroid hulk wannabes whose opinion of keep fit/weightloss is limited to a powerlifters/weightlifters approach.

Why is this troll not banned yet?

He's as annoying as Tanizaki but less than half as intelligent
jessica biel squats bodyweight.nuff said.
I dont know why you cant grasp that most of america is drastically uninformed fitness wise... kinda makes sense considering obesity rates..
why are you coming to this site and ask for help if youve already made up your mind? besides what your doing now obviously hasnt gotten you to where you want to be, but you cant bring yourself to accept a truth.

If you read my entire post perhaps you would have read that the most effective forms of these practices are TOO EXPENSIVE for me, I'm in college so I don't have the money to put into these programs that I wish I could. Going advanced is a liability for most gyms so most don't offer these difficult programs. I really think that you are ill-informed. And I came to the site asking for a simple weight-lifting program to get back into, not to listen to people b**** back and forth to each other. So perhaps you should have never looked at my thread. I don't like your advice, get over it.
I don't like your advice, get over it.

His advice was good, maybe you should drop the attitude and look outside your comfort zone of 'alternative' workouts.