big butt

I need some help here. I am 5'2 and I weigh 151. I have been losing slowly just watching what I eat so I have that under control,its just the excercise end is where I'm lacking. I carry my weight on my lower half,thighs,hips...large butt. Even before I had kids and weighed 110 My behind was..........there. I would like some advice on shaping my lower half. I am a stay at home mom and I live in the middle of no wheresville so the gym is out of the question. I need to burn the fat on these thighs and reshape,carve this pumpkin I got out back. Thanks!!
Hi Linz,

Unfortunately you can not spot reduce fat. All you can do is train and the body decides where the fat comes from. As a general rule. men carry fat around the stomach and women carry around the bum and thighs. It's these places that the fat tends to come off last.

In saying that however there are plenty of good exercises you can do to work you butt. Exercises like squats, lunges, step-ups and cardio based exercises like running and bike riding. All of these exercises require little to no equipment.

good luck!
Hi Linz,

I know what you mean. I'm a full-time mom of two. Before kids, I weighed 110 (at 5'5" - which didn't look good on my frame) - and after, well, I still have a little bit to go to reach my goal. It can be very slow going when your own schedule is only one of 4 that has to be considered when trying to exercise (mine, my husband's work, and two little kids).

Anyway, the above post is right, doing certain exercises won't burn fat off any particular place. What we can do, is develop a good eating plan, and a good exercise plan. You don't have to go to a gym to get in quality exercise either.

What, if any, equipment do you have access to? Do you have any cardio and/or weight equipment? What has your eating been like (what and how many calories have you been eating)?Also, how old are you (for determining bmr)?