couple of updated cutting pics

yes ive alternating between the 2 workouts for the last 6 weeks do u maybe think that its too much?
how do u mean traps look tight?
"Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning." - Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma) Gandhi

KEEP IT UP DUDE! Great progress. You got it, you have it, and the frame of mind to shape it!
bullocks-- hahaha,,, we call them Gonads!! And it's nice to meet you braw!!

photos for you.

most current-

So, how about some fitness fun competition shared with one another in the spirit of fitness,,, over the pond.

and my snaps are in my journal, or you could have clicked my profile, public or otherwise.

i am 39. and i too am here for constructive criticism and improvement.

you got the looks, I've got performance, let's meet the middle.

that is if you've got the bullocks!

oh geez,,, and it seems you found the pics on your own... shoot me a pm if you'd rather I delete those snaps from yer thread. Testosterone baby!!

REP to you!! that's reputation.
yes ive alternating between the 2 workouts for the last 6 weeks do u maybe think that its too much?
how do u mean traps look tight?

What i mean is, your shoulders are starting to roll forward. Only SLIGHTLY though, you could even be genitically proportioned like that. It happens when you do too much trap,anterior delt and pec work and not enough posterior delt, lower trap and overall back work. I've been told by a couple of trainers that i have this problem and i'm gonna start soon on evening everything out. For me, it was mainly from neglecting rear delts.

Lets look at workout A and B

leg extensions
dead lifts
standing bar bell shoulder press(military)

lat raise
front lat raise

upright rows

You've got 3 leg exercises which is good.

However, in this workout you only have upright rows (traps/anterior delt), lateral raises (medial delt isolation), front raises (anterior delt isolation) and standing shoulder press (anterior and medial delt and some trap)...The muscles in brackets are the MAIN ones the exercises work. Basically, you need some more back in there and (this is just MY opinion), isolation exercises for the anterior and medial heads of the deltoid arn't necessary as long as you do some sort of press (which you already are).

Incline barbell press
decline db press
pec dec flies
bent over db rows
lat pull downs
close grip supine rows

In this workout you have Incline barbell press and decline DB press (mainly pec exercises), as well as pec dec flies. This workout is better because you have some more back in there but i would eliminate one of those chest exercises and add in another back exercise (maybe reverse flies for some rear delt work). As well as this search around for some lower trapezius activation exercises. When you workout the ratio of back:chest should be 2:1, that is, i f you do 4 sets of chest in a workout, do 8 sets of back.
thanks alot for your reply streamline i will certainly look into the lower trap exercises you mentioned. Please dont think i do all those exercises in one workout (if it came across that way im sorry for misleading you) I workout A i simply pick 2 leg exercises and 2 shoulder exercised along with 2 isolated exercises( bi tri calf wrist curls etc) making up 6 exercises in total.As for workout B i do the same 2x back 2x chest 2x isolated mixing up and alternating each week.
The reason ive been doing a lot of chest work was because it was lagging and i wanted to bring it up but this is only temperary.
Once again thanks for your advice streamline ill certainly look into what you said
No worries man. Most people get carried away with their chest/shoulder/trap area and not enough back. Your back has good size but you don't want them shoulders rolled forward.
Pullups, with a squeeze of the shoulder blades at the end will do wonders for posture... get yourself pulled up and then conciously SQUEEZE FOR HEAT with the blades. You are going to love it man!! then switch your grip.. A little over a month ago I could only get 4-5-or 6 pull ups, Men's Fitness recommended that SQUEEZE for heat... and a month later I can knock out 15 pullups.

cheers flyinfree ill try that
+reps to u big guy