butt excersizes

what are some good exsercises to do for your butt so i can tone it some more. i go to the gym and im not sure which equiptment works it the best. thanks in advance
Deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, straight leg deadlifts.
If you have it at the gym all the ladies where I workout swear by the buttblaster. You sort of bend down on all fours and lift the weight with you leg in a back kicking type motion.
niceone said:
SQUATS. Properly performed squats will make your legs and ass explode.... In a good way :D
This makes me think of that picture where the power lifter squats a ridiculous amount of weight and his ass literally explodes.....nasty.
do keep in mind that 'toning' is a process of increasing muscle mass, adn then sheddign body fat to show off that muscle mass, adn the definition.

there's no such thing as a 'toning exercise' or a 'number of reps for toning'.
Exactly as malkore said, you need to shed excess fat in order to "see" the definition or toneness of the muscle more. Also, along with the other exercises mentioned above, I find that step-ups are a good "butt" exercise.
Not only that but from what I've read you can't do both at the same time because in losing fat you need a calorie deficit and in gaining muscle you need a calorie surplus (is that right?)
i know to get a tonned look, you have to lose body fat and all that, which im in the process of trying to do. another question, i have that "double butt" look, its not much but i notice it, will toning that area help to get rid of that look? or do i just have to lose more fat before it goes away?
Most Americans have "flat assed syndrome" regardless of thier BF%. It comes from riding and sitting too much. Walk, jog, skate, ride a bike, squat, dead lifts, hamstring curls. each of these help build the gluteus maximus definition.

Me tinks these young girls and women with thier hip hugger jeans look so ridiculous with thier flat behinds. :D
Cynic, can one see results doing this without weights? (ass to floor) or do you have to build up with weights to see results? Just curious, I'm DEATHLY afraid of getting a flat butt (I think I'd almost rather have a fat one lol), so I always try to find new ways to improve that area
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Trainer Lynn said:
I really like doing supine leg curls with a stability ball. Also hiking is a wonder exercise for the booty :)

TrainerLynn.....how is this done?? Can you please explain? Thanks!;)

Also, what is the proper way to do squats, legs apart even w/shoulders?? And, how many squats or reps??

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Here is the supine leg roll- I call it a Ball Rollout on this page. It's the last exercise on the page:

It depends on what sort of squat you are doing and your experience/fitness level. Generally your feet should be shoulder width apart, toes pointing straight ahead, and back stays flat as you lower the hips. Keep all the weight on your heels.

How many reps and sets you do depends on your strenght training routine. If you're just beginning 3 sets of 10-12 is a normal range.
Trainer Lynn said:
Here is the supine leg roll- I call it a Ball Rollout on this page. It's the last exercise on the page:

It depends on what sort of squat you are doing and your experience/fitness level. Generally your feet should be shoulder width apart, toes pointing straight ahead, and back stays flat as you lower the hips. Keep all the weight on your heels.

How many reps and sets you do depends on your strenght training routine. If you're just beginning 3 sets of 10-12 is a normal range.

You're the best Trainer Lynn! You're so helpful and thanks for posting links! You and LV have been very helpful on this site. It's much appreciated!
Are most of those balls the same or should I get a particular kind??
Thanks again!:D
The quads are some of the strongest muscles in the body. They carry your weight all day, so you may not see results from squatting body weight on both legs.

You could try pistol squats. They're hard as hell, because you're squatting your body weight with one leg, but if you can do them, you're pretty hardcore.

Otherwise, I recommend you pick-up a weight set. You can do squats with dumbbells, but you won't get past parallel since you're arms are hanging down, unless you can get them up on your shoulders, but you probably still won't have as much weight as you could with a barbell resting on your back.

Here's an elaboration on what I said before: performing the concentric on an ATG squat is almost entirely glute activation up to the parallel, after that it's largely quad. If you want to work your posterior chain, you want to do deadlifts. Romainian deadlifts and straight leg deadlifts are very good in this area.

One of the regulars on MH said he did lose has ass for a while as he lost the body fat, but it came back solid as he kept doing them and muscle grew.
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No problem, Lillian. I really like Fitbuy stability balls because they are really solid and provide good stability.