Good Place to Start?

I've been thinking of starting up yoga, but I'm not sure where to begin. I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. What DVD's are available that I should try? Anything I should avoid?

There aren't many fitness classes period out here so I may be on my own there.

I'm 27 and quite healthy. I already do Pilates, a lot of walking, and some Tae Bo (been hurting recently,) if that helps.
Only thing I can say is to make sure whatever you do grab tape wise don't grab out of your range.
If your tight in the ham strings for example and not so good in the balance department don't go for a advanced tape when should be leaning toward intermediate.

As for tapes personally I have and enjoy the Kathy Smith Series of tapes as well as the Gaiam tapes not sure of the names off hand they are good for beginners.
You could also try the dummy series, they would explain as you go.

How long have you been doing tae bo? I did it for quite awhile but it got a bit old so I quit. Found his doubletime was hard for me to keep up with.
Hope this helps
I've been doing Tae Bo for about 5 years now. I haven't been doing it much since my joints started hurting this winter.

I do Kathy Smith's Pilates, so I think I'll try her yoga. I haven't seen the tapes, but I didn't know to look. Thanks!
Do you do tae bo from the tapes or a class? I did it from tapes and it lost its appeal after awhile although I think classes might have been okay, that variety thing ya know.

Never tried Kathy Smith's Pilates myself so don't know what its about but I do like the yoga one.

Let me know how it works for you!
I know this is an old topic but I love my yoga DVD's. I've got "Yoga Step By Step" with Natasha Rizopoulos. There are 3 dvd's: Beginner, intermediate and advanced. I've got the beginner and I think I'm ready for intermeadiate. She is great and it was simple enough for a beginner. I so look forward to doing my yoga in the mornings. I actually got my DVD at wal mart, and I have also seent hem for sale online.

I'm so embarrassed, but I haven't gone out and bought any yoga DVDs yet! I really ought to put that on my shopping list for the next time I go out!

alberta65 - I still use the Tae Bo DVDs. I try to keep it from getting boring by alternating what I do. Recently I've only been doing the 8 minute work out because that's all my toddler will let me do... and it's better than nothing!
Great site for Yoga videos


I found a great site for Yoga videos. It's a great place to start because you can watch them for free! Checkout .

If you know of other good sites, let me know!

Hello friend !

I will say thanks for the article because it provide the site address and
i will use it for yoga starting . thanks again .
I would also check out some online videos and tutorials, that might give you more options when it comes to yoga. I don't like doing yoga in classes because I think it is terribly awkward. But, I do like doing it at home. So I've ordered some DVDs and I used this on to get some ideas about how to do it at home as well. The hardest thing about yoga for me is visualizing the correct way to do the movement, so the video was super helpful!
Check out Rodney Yee Yoga dvds. They are really good and I am a yoga beginner to. It is great though. Yoga has helped me in more ways than I can say now and I need to do it more... But just go to amazon and check those dvds out if you choose.
if you are looking for variety in yoga you should try every day they have a new hour long video up that you can watch and its all free. its great because they have different levels and even within the shows they tell and show you how to modify. its great to do daily or when ever you need a pick me up because they are very positive and enthusiastic.