Your Prostate and Aging

Fitness Expert
The frequent need to relieve the bladder can have life-changing effects. Mike is 65 years old and his prostate is affecting his life. Social events are curtailed, no more family day-picnics, or chaperoning his grandkids on Halloween night as they go trick or treating. Most of his days he spends at home, tired during the day and wishing he could just get the rest he knows he needs. A gregarious man by nature, Mike has gradually taken to a life of seclusion.

This kind of scenario can be very common to many men over 50 years of age. Mike finds he cannot even drive for more than an hour without having to stop at a gas station.

Mike was a foreman who retired from active work about ten years ago. He has enjoyed robust health. Now approaching his "senior" years, Mike complains of frequent needs to urinate. Many men experience increased frequency in urination as age advances. It could be due to age or could be associated with prostate health. Nighttime is worse and Mike hardly gets any sleep. During the day he is groggy, irritable and finds it hard to concentrate or have energy to do the things he once enjoyed.

Like Mike, many men accept this to be a normal phase of growing older and may not consult a doctor. The truth is, only a medical checkup will be able to tell you whether your bladder is overworking due to old age or because of an aging prostate.

Get Proactive on Prostate Health!

Prostate health and aging are primary concerns in men's health today. Statistics show that prostate complaints among older men are rising and with more serious subsequent complications rising as well. Health experts believe that statistics are rising because men are not taking enough proactive measures to support prostate health as they grow older.

Medical experts are now recommending that men over 40 or approaching their 40s take proactive measures (including prostate supplement) for maintaining prostate health. Many of the factors related to poor prostate health are indeed, controllable. Even with genetic factors at play, early detection and proactive measures are critical for supporting prostate health.
Here are a few things you should be doing to become proactive in supporting prostate health:

• Regular physicals are recommended which include annual or even bi-annual prostate exams.

• Dietary modifications include adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet and limiting your intake of red meat and high-fat foods.

• Regular physical exercise. Obesity and prostate complications can go hand-in-hand. It is important to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle and keep at an optimal weight for your height and age. In addition to regular exercise, Kegel exercises strategically target the muscle tone in this area.
Prostate Supplements that Contain Beta Sitosterol

As a proactive measure, taking prostate supplements that contain beta sitosterol is popular and known to be effective. Beta sitosterol is a phytosterol found in plants. It is present in foods like saw palmetto berries, nuts, and avocados. It is not easy to get a therapeutic dose of beta sitosterol through diet alone. We would have to eat 4 lbs of saw palmetto berries a day! Prostate supplements are a good way to get a nutritional dose of beta sitosterol.

• Men over 40 should consider taking Beta sitosterol as a nutritional prostate supplement for supporting a healthy prostate.

• Men who suffer from prostate complaints should consider taking prostate supplements containing Beta sitosterol to alleviate many of the discomforts associated with an aging prostate.

Beta sitosterol for prostate health has been well researched for more than 50 years. Several clinical studies and scientific reports support the efficacy of beta sitosterol in prostate health support. This nutrient supports healthy urinary functions and flow as well as healthy functions of the prostrate.