The Bonus Years Diet: Living Your Life with 7 Great Foods

Fitness Expert

Dr. Felder, both chef and Physician has created a lifestyle plan that can easily suit your daily needs. He is the author of the book "The Bonus Years Diet" which I have had the greatest pleasure of reading and using to my benefit.

Being a writer, researcher, and fitness enthusiast working for, I have seen many diet plans throughout my career. Most of them are very structured, require a lot of time and commitment, and their primary focus tends to be on weight loss. Although the Bonus Years Diet can be used for folks suffering from obesity or those that have weight control problems, its main focus is to promote healthy eating and increase years to your life through a well rounded and fairly easy nutrition plan.

Dr Felder outlines above all things, 7 foods that we must have in our daily intake of foods. These nutritional boosters have been chosen for a reason, whether it be to prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure, improve insulin sensitivity, or contain a high level of antioxidants; all these foods have been proven to add years to your life, and prevent the number 1 cause of death in the world, heart disease.

Now you must be thinking, what could these 7 foods possibly be? And how much of each of them do I have to eat daily? Now that, I can tell you. The 7 foods include: red wine, dark chocolate, fruits & vegetables, fish, garlic and nuts. Seems simple right? But each of these foods must be consumed regularly in proper proportions for the Bonus Years Diet to work for each individual. Here are the food amounts you need to get you started.

1 – 5 ounce glass of red wine daily
1 – 2 ounce serving of dark chocolate daily
4 cups of fruit or vegetables (measured raw) daily
3 – 5 ounce servings of fish a week
2.7 grams of garlic (about 1 clove daily)
2 ounces of nuts daily

But most of these foods sound delicious do they not? When I first read this book I thought, there is no way a diet plan like this could taste so great, and work. In the novel you will also find a monthly meal plan with supplementary recipes that you can use for all meals and snacks. However, this is just an example plan, and can be varied to your satisfaction. There are over 125 recipes given in the novel that you can use, alter, and suit to your level of desire. I personally have enjoyed all the meals that I have cooked using Dr. Felder's recipes, and another great thing about the recipes is that they take into account individuals that suffer from diabetes, those that are lactose intolerant, and those that need their meals to be gluten-free.

So what is the big benefit of the Bonus Years Diet? The list of foods I have given you with the desired amounts of each food to be consumed (the same as in the book) has been greatly proven to fight heart disease. Dr. Felder has been working hard both as a Physician and a Chef to come up with an easy plan that will help people live longer and help prevent the leading cause of death in the world. I hope that this diet plan can be useful to both you and your family to secure a healthy lifestyle for now and in the future.