Wordle and/or other word games.


Long term member
I have been doing wordle for quite a while now & wondered if anyone else in here was doing it. I find it a good morning, mental challenge. Today's effort- Wordle 363 4/6

I did it for a bit and then forgot about it again. First one today took me 4 turns.
I like to do it every morning, although I preferred it when it was English & not organised by the New York Times.
I find it funny that when I looked up the game for a link it said it was invented by some dude last year. Really? It ran on tv at least as far back as the 1980s.
I think the beauty of Wordle is that you're limited to one puzzle per day.

Completed today's in 3, next one in 15 minutes apparently, so that will be today's one for you Cate, I imagine.
I think the beauty of Wordle is that you're limited to one puzzle per day.
I agree.
Wordle 364 4/6

I really messed up today. In my 2nd go I put a letter I already knew was wrong & then in my 3rd I put a letter back in the same place that I knew was wrong. Oh, my poor covid brain :svengo: Then I just saw it!
I made a mistake again, on the 3rd try, by not using a letter I knew was right, but in the wrong place. Doh! :svengo:
Wordle 365 5/6

Wordle 369 5/6
