
Just joined the site - mainly because I liked the idea of an online daily journal. Well, weekdays, anyhow - I spend all day on a computer at work so I don't go near them on the weekends!

Starting details as of 4-13-12 (Yep - Friday the 13th!)
48 years old, female, married
5' 7.5"
Usually about 140 lbs of late. Lifetime high is 155, but for the past year I've mostly been between 145 and 140. I've a vague urge to see how I look/feel at 135, my supposed 'ideal' weight - but it's hard to get there and I'm just not that motivated as I'm pretty happy with where I am and it isn't difficult to stay here as long as I eat well which is my normal habit.

Body fat is about 23% - when our scale is in regular (cruel) mode, it says 26.5%, when in athlete mode it says 17.5%. By calipers I am about 20%. I tend to go with the figure in between the scale numbers.

Right now I'm traveling a lot for work which really messes with my workout schedule, but when in town, I am very regular at doing something everyday. I believe in the statement 'bodies were designed to move' and I really don't feel good when I don't get to do something physical - and I get cranky and/or irrational!

This morning I did 10 minutes on the stairmaster at level 10 (just wasn't getting into it so baled from the planned 30 minutes)
Treadmill for 20 minutes at 6.5% and 4.4 mph, then cranked the speed up to 7.0 and grade down to 1.5% for a 10 minute run
No time for weights, but I was pretty sore from lunges yesterday and we'll likely do a big workout on Saturday as the weather forecast is bad so can't hike or rock climb.

Food today:
2 eggs scrambled and 1 slice toast, 8 oz OJ, coffee with half&half
1 cup greek yougart with fresh sliced strawberries and a few frozen raspberries
3 small Pink Lady apples
3/4 cup Italian bean soup (last of the batch or I would have eaten more - it was yummy!)
1 hard boiled egg
1 small boiled fingerling potato

Highlight of the day - as I was leaving the gym this morning, a fellow I often see and exchange 'good mornings' with said something along the lines of "I never see you dressed normally [meaning not in workout clothes] and you look good."
Sunday evening, 4/15/12, just checked into the hotel in Needles, CA. I'm a bit buzzed by the drive and the sugar consumed on the drive (weak, weak, weak!).

Saturday was a raging blizzard at home, so we were pretty well housebound. Made enchiladas and prepared salads to take with me for the week on the road.

Food for Saturday
- eggs with big pile of veggies (peppers, onions, garlic, potatoes), salsa, cheese and 1 piece of toast
- 6 oz OJ with vitamins
- apple, various bites of veggies as I chopped
- bites of chicken as I prepped it
- 1.5 enchilada's: sprouted whole grain tortilla, chicken, cheese, veggie mix, green sause
- coffee with half & half
- hot chocolate

Sunday after packing up and finding all the tax stuff (still haven't filed - guess T will sign my name or we will mail late) we headed separately to the gym.
Stairmaster on level 10 for 5 minutes, then level 11 for 25 minutes - 10.8 avg METS, Avg HR 163, 179 flights of stairs (I was toast!)
Treadmill for 30 minutes, 2.5% at 4.7 mph - 146 avg HR was a bit high, but I think it was HR creep from being warm and from the max HR levels I hit on stairmaster (179!).

food on Sunday was going well until I got in the car to drive west.
- eggs with big pile of veggies (peppers, onions, garlic, potatoes), salsa, cheese and 1 piece of toast
- coffee with half&half
- 6 oz OJ with vitamins
- 2 apples, 1 small boiled potato
- 1 string cheese
- slice NF pepperoni pizza
- 1/4c cashews
- jelly beans
- chocolate eclair

Weighed 138.8 both days
Haven't read through your posts yet, just wanted to reply to subscribe... Will read through when I have a chance!
Welcome! Yer a hoot! When the scale is in cruel mode! hahaha
Honestly I like it that you ditched the stairmaster, because you just weren't feeling it. It's good to be fluid and confident enough in yourself to choose your activity. I believe we stay with things alot longer when we are elastic with ourselves.

You sound very healthy! nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too, FF. Yes, if being healthy, staying fit is to last for the rest of my life (the plan), one must take the days as they come - but I also firmly believe in pushing myself - if you don't, you start coasting and then you ultimately stop moving - no perpetual motion machines on this earth!
Monday 4/16/12 - a most excellent day.

Nothing like leaving the snow behind on Sunday to come to the desert - high 90's - but as the saying goes in Arizona - "It's a dry heat". Actually, it is and after the day of training in Mohave Valley was done and I was nearly to Parker, I stopped at Buckskin Mountain State Park and hiked the Buckskin Mt trail. The car thermometer said 88 when I started, but it really wasn't bad at all. Mixture of running and fast walking for 1 hour over hills and stairs - probably about 5 miles in all.

I haven't been out by myself for hike in quite a while - no partner, no headphones, just outside on the trail all by myself. Loved how free I felt! When I was about 10, my best friends and I were all horse-crazy - loved the Black Stallion books and we would often pretend to be horses in the huge field behind my house - galloping on the trails, jumping over obstacles - silly really but we did it for hours. I hadn't thought of that in years, but today I found myself galloping and leaping over trail obstacles and rocks, bounding up and down the trails.

Food today (traveling and living in hotels this week, but I brought lots of good stuff with me)

coffee with soy creamer
organic thick cut oatmeal with cranberries and a smidge of agave syrup
1 c greek yougart with fresh blueberries
bean chimichanga (desperation in the car - but it fueld the hike)
salad - spinach and green leaf, broccoli, cauliflour, zuc, cuke, carrots, radishes, red cabbage, green onions, chicken breast, salsa for dressing. Definitely one of my better creations and still fresh despite a day in the cooler.

When I bought the chimichanga, I also bought a square of red velvet cake - very decadent and yummy but not what I should be eating!
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Cooling down from my run this morning in the desert around Parker, AZ. Felt great, but then the altitude bonus really kicks in down here - I live and train at 7300 feet so dropping down to 800 feet really makes a difference to a run. It will likely be a trying day, but at this point I've done something good for me which will even out whatever comes.

Planned food is oatmeal, yougurt with fresh fruit, and salad with chicken. We'll see how it goes...
Good job! I had yougurt and cheerios, headed down to jump on my bike and head to the office.

You are pumping me up with the running. I miss it!

A pretty good day. My trainee's were only mildly grumpy and only part of the time - and we got some real work done. Got to admit there were a few jokes about whether I had enough meds with me to make it through the day - hmm, something must have shown on my face after the 8th time I explained the same thing to Mrs. H

Never gave myself the opportunity to indulge, so food for today was good:

coffee with soy creamer
organic thick cut oatmeal with cranberries and a smidge of agave syrup
greek yogurt with fresh blueberries and fresh strawberries
2 apples
salad - spinach and green leaf, broccoli, cauliflour, zuc, cuke, carrots, radishes, red cabbage, green onions, red peppers, chicken breast, salsa for dressing

Given that my weight was on the low end of things when I left home Sunday, I'm hoping for only a moderate gain by Friday when I am home and weigh in again. I typically add 2-4 lbs when traveling - waaaaay too much time sitting on my butt either in the car on in a training session, and it is much too easy to eat junk.
There is nothing like having a 'race on the schedule' to motivate you. So far I've got a 5k in June and the annual 50 miler in October (not a race, just a non-stop hike).


LOL, I just realized you said a hike! but still!

Will you please start logging your miles, speeds, and percentage of increase as you head for the half century?
Are you on a plan? I know of a few. What's running style? Best Marathon time? Typical pace on a fun run? Weekly Mileage?

You are getting ready to do what I want to do!

Lessons learned on an unknown route
- rural, mostly unused airports still have really big fences around them - the planned 25-30 minute run morphed into 45
- yes, even when I have the altitude advantage, sand is still hard to run in
- get enough sand in ones shoes and those callouses start smoothing out
- for its size, a grumpy toe hurts more than it should (wear bigger socks!)
- what a gorgeous morning in the desert, I am soooo glad I went!

Back and cooling down before starting the day. It was a near miss, but I dodge those froot loops in the continental breakfast area while grabbing some coffee. Oatmeal with cranberries awaits me.

Same food plan as yesterday - oj, yogurt with fresh berries, salad with chicken (last one - rats!), apples
LOL, I just realized you said a hike! but still!

Will you please start logging your miles, speeds, and percentage of increase as you head for the half century?
Are you on a plan? I know of a few. What's running style? Best Marathon time? Typical pace on a fun run? Weekly Mileage?

You are getting ready to do what I want to do!


Plan? Hmm - my husband is an engineer - always has a plan and often has excellent ideas and suggestions for me - do I follow them? Not so much. As spring comes to the high country and as I stop traveling (just 1 more week!!!!!), my workout schedule will morph from the gym to hiking/running a lot more, so yes, I'll put in details.

I am not fast, I generally run at right around 9 minute miles. I am a super-fast power walker - a 12 minute miles is very doable and I can do a lot of them. I've only ever power-walked a marathon, best time was 5:42. Half marathon (I decided the night before to do it, so no specific training) was 2:29. Best 5k is 27 last summer. I'm hoping to improve on that this summer with some actual planning/training. I was nasty sick when I ran 27 so I'm optimistic. I occasionally do a fast (for me) mile or 2 on the treadmill at 7.0 - 7.3 mph - seems like that works out to around 8.2 minute miles. If I'm on the treadmill, the lowest incline I ever use is 1.5 - I do a lot of incline work.

The 50 miler is an annual event - the Grand Canyon Death March. We used to do it with a lot of friends but they have all dropped out with age and injuries. T and I are all that are left. We start around 2:30 am hiking from the south rim, go down to the river and up the north side to the lodge. Have a bit to eat, repair any damage, and turn around and head back across the Grand Canyon. We usually take about 18-19 hours to do the full 50 miles, so we finish before midnight. We don't run and aside from the break on the North rim, we don't stop much. It is beautiful and challenging and an amazing experience. I think this year will be my 10th double crossing.

Woo hoo! It's the last night in a hotel for the week - training tomorrow, then head for home. Better yet, I am not traveling next week!

Probably won't run in the morning, might go with jump-roping and some core exercises. I haven't done lunges in a week and I am missing them.

Actual food for the day...
- coffee with soy creamer
- OJ (had 2 glasses as there is a lot left in the fridge and I'm leaving tomorrow)
- oatmeal with cranberries and agave syrup
- Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries and strawberries
- 3 apples
- 1.5 enchiladas (brought from home, described last Sunday)
- Ben & Jerry's single serving mint chocolate cookie... just needed a treat
Wow! The Death March sounds totally cool. Maybe I will come and do that next year. Gidget would dig that.

Glad to hear yuor traveling is coming to a close. Before my own business, I was a bank exec and travelled 3 weeks a month. I hated it at the end. In the beginning all the skylines and airports and surrounding were cool to see, but after the first year, it really lost the romance. Being home and stable is so much nicer. But, now I miss getting out of town so often. hahaha
Pedometer says 1650 on the jump rope - I could really tell I was wearing down at the end as my blocks were down to about 50 before a miss. I really concentrated on the last set to get at least 100. Then did lunges 50/leg, squats (got to work on the butt wink - it's still there) and planks in my hotel room (no jumping lunges - trying to be kind to the folks who may be below!).

Same food plan as for the past days - oatmeal, yogurt with fresh berries, apples, and since I didn't eat my salad yesterday, a big salad. If I can resist drive-through junk on the 4 hr drive home, it will be a good food day. Weigh-in is tomorrow morning...

Make it a great day!
Tired to send a PM to you to9 get info on the Deatrh March. The site gliched a few times, so I hope it made it through. I want to set that as a goal for next year!

That's something to hang onto eh!

OK, I have spent half the morning, no ALL the morning, half the day, looking into and reading about the Death March.

WHOOOOOOOOAAA!!! Yer totally gnarly.

Please share with me. But this may be a 2 year goal for me.
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You sound like you're in pretty good shape and I must say you're doing a FANTASTIC job, keep up the good work and keep us posted!
I'm HOME!!!! Wow, so great to be back home and even today in the office is totally acceptable. Really helps that I am not going anywhere next week.

My calves were screaming by mid-day yesterday - haven't done a steady jump rope session for a month or 2 I guess - there was a lot of snow on the ground last time, but that's all I can bring to mind about it, probably February. Got home about 9:00 last night and just crashed. Since T and the demon cats were already in bed, I had to push them around a little bit to fit in, guess I've been gone too much and they are used to having more room.

Actual food on Thursday
- coffee with creamer
- OJ with vitamins
- oatmeal with cranberries, strawberries, and a smidge of agave syrup
- 3 apples
- had lunch with Renea and Denyce - chicken burrito with a most excellent green chile sauce - (I should learn to make a good green chile sauce)
- red velvet cake and a starbucks frappachino on the drive home

Friday weight 140.4 - yea! Less than 2 lbs despite the ice cream and cake.

T and I did the Shoe Hill Loop this morning - just under 40 minutes and ran the backstretch in 8:50 without trying for speed.
I'm declaring myself done for the day and the week - going to run errands and go home.

Looking forward to a good weekend - home on Saturday for cooking/cleaning and working in the garden. I wonder if anything is left - those rabbits are taking over the place.

Rock climbing at Paradise Forks on Sunday - can't wait!

Food today:
coffee with half and half
6 oz blue juice with supplements
2 eggs
Greek yogurt with fresh berries
2 apples
1.5 homemade enchiladas
NF chocolate chip cookie (too bad the fact that most ingredients are organic doesn't make it good for me...)
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Monday 4-23-12 - Weekend notes:

Saturday weight 139.8, athlete mode says 17.6%, cruel mode says 26.4% fat. No real change and none was really expected.
Hiked 90 minutes from home down the AT&T line with T, about 5 miles round trip. Ugh - fasted cardio with only 1 cup of coffee and a piece of toast before we left. Still, a gorgeous morning and great to be out with my guy. Spent the rest of the day working around home and in the garden. Garlic and onions are up and looking good. Rabbits are eating most of the bulbs and greens. Raspberries and strawberries are starting to sprout. Rhubarb looks promising.
Food for the rest of Saturday:
Eggs with garlic, onions, 3 kinds of peppers
Waffles (needed a treat after the hike!)
Wild caught Pacific salmon poached in lemon/butter/water
Steamed veggies: collards, carrots, red cabbage, cauliflour, broccoli, mushrooms

Sunday - 139 lbs
right achilles is really sore so did foam core roller a couple of times, AM and PM
painted the workshop
Food on Sunday
coffee with half and half
2 eggs, 2 pieces of toast
apple, kiwi
chicken sandwich with spinach, mayo, mustard
sm starbucks frappachino and handful of powerberries (needed a boost to finish up painting!)
Was really beat, so went to bed early, but slept well.