
If I am overly tired I am prone to overeat. Hope you have a lovely walk with your friend :)
Thanks Cate. We had a really great walk. We spent a nice amount of time at the gardens, wandering, sitting, enjoying. She's a good person for that sort of thing as she doesn't need to keep filling quiet spaces with words. After that we walked back through trails back to town. There are some other trails in that area that we want to explore together in the future. I might do some of them alone if we don't get to them soon. It's too bad she can't cycle the hills as then we could do more types of exploring together. She really enjoys cycling but sticks to the flat areas and you just can't go very far around here if you can't get up the hills...

I ate well with no real refined sugar besides the protein bar I had brought along for our walk, which I won't count against me since it was used for necessary energy.

I was pretty exhausted by the end of the day and had a very early night. I'm glad I finally got a good amount of sleep. I did wake in the middle of the night anxious but really I probably had about 7 hours of sleep which is actually a lot better than what I've been getting lately.

walk-2 hours (really unsure, we were out together for about 4.5 hours but that included sitting and wandering slowly etc)
calorie deficit-200
Great to hear you got your new bike. Claire is a good solid name. I hope she'll be with you for a nice long time. I hope to see pics of your mouse when it's done!
That sounds like a lovely day. It's nice to feel tired at the end of the day when you have a good reason to. Yay for getting your protein in too 👏
That's lovely you have a friend who is comfortable with silence and you can relax together and not worry about filling up the space with talk all the time. I had a best friend like that in high school. We lived 2 miles from each other and would walk each other home sometimes and just observe the fields of wildflowers. Nice you found new trails to explore, too. Sounds like a nice outdoorsy place with so many hiking trails! Glad you got good sleep, too!
Great to hear you got your new bike. Claire is a good solid name. I hope she'll be with you for a nice long time.
Me too! I am so happy that I took that plunge and went for it.

That sounds like a lovely day. It's nice to feel tired at the end of the day when you have a good reason to. Yay for getting your protein in too 👏
Yeah it was nice too as I had gotten my chores done before we went walking so I didn't feel any need to do anything but relax on the couch all evening :)
That's lovely you have a friend who is comfortable with silence and you can relax together and not worry about filling up the space with talk all the time. I had a best friend like that in high school. We lived 2 miles from each other and would walk each other home sometimes and just observe the fields of wildflowers. Nice you found new trails to explore, too. Sounds like a nice outdoorsy place with so many hiking trails! Glad you got good sleep, too!
Yes so good to have a good walking buddy for sure. I still really like my walks alone and it's very different than with someone but it's nice to have both options!

Yesterday was pretty good. Bit of a schedule change for the day, but it worked out pretty good as I was home earlier then, and got a nice nap in, and was able to get a good amount of laundry done in the evening...We got more rain again too which was really great. I want this spring weather balance of rain and sun to continue for as long as it can!

I have this idea in my head where I want to do a bit of a transformation to my place. I mean I love my place, and lots of aspects about it, but I have this vision of a very clear/clean/beautiful space that I would like to see if I can achieve within the limitations of a small space. I am a natural minimalist so I don't really have all that much stuff, but I just feel like I could make a few small alterations to my space to bring it to the vision I that will be my project over the next month or so. I'm going to look through some photos of small minimalist spaces to get some inspiration...

walk-45 min
sugar cals-415
calorie deficit-250
Changing your living space can be so exciting but I agree that in small spaces you have to do a good bit of planning first. I'll be interested to see any inspiring pics you find.
I have this idea in my head where I want to do a bit of a transformation to my place. I mean I love my place, and lots of aspects about it, but I have this vision of a very clear/clean/beautiful space that I would like to see if I can achieve within the limitations of a small space. I am a natural minimalist so I don't really have all that much stuff, but I just feel like I could make a few small alterations to my space to bring it to the vision I that will be my project over the next month or so. I'm going to look through some photos of small minimalist spaces to get some inspiration...
That will be fun. I'm looking forward to hearing about it :)
Changing your living space can be so exciting but I agree that in small spaces you have to do a good bit of planning first. I'll be interested to see any inspiring pics you find.
That will be fun. I'm looking forward to hearing about it :)

so far no inspiring pictures! Looking through some so far I think I've done really well with my space...better than what I think a lot of the others look like...I do have a couple of things I think could be done though--

a)replace at least one set of curtains
b)get rid of stuff i don't need
c) get a little cabinet for the top of my dresser where things can be stored without being seen--would love something artsy for that...
d) maybe get some new artwork for walls
e)possibly an entry closet...

One thing that I've often wished for is just more closed storage spaces like closets and cabinets. The kitchen is good but the rest of the space is very open so things can look cluttered fast.

Yesterday was good. Went to knitting group. I'm afraid that little mouse is proving to be a bit troublesome. I remember you saying LLama that the noso's can be a bit frustrating at first...and I am finding that. Also working with a smaller crochet hook is hard for me...but at least it with being a small project it isn't too hard to just undo and redo which I might do for the body...I will see once i get the ears done if it comes together into a better looking far his body looks way too skinny for my liking!
We were having a bit of a laugh about it at the group as so far he just looks like an alien. Another woman there was struggling with her project so at least I wasn't alone! haha

Later on in the early evening, Claire and I went out for a really nice ride. Man it's nice having the longer days, because yes, I can still fit in activity then when my morning was filled up by the knitting group. I generally don't feel like running in the evenings but I thought I would try out a bike ride and it went well. This was my first attempt at a bike route that Bikey and I would do semi-regularly. Lots of hill climbs, some lovely country roads, and since Claire is better equipped for some trail riding, I even tried out a tiny tiny bit on some more rooty trails...The more Claire and I get to know each other, the more I love her. Definitely a good investment.

Bike-1 hour
physio/essentrics-1 hour
sugar cals-300
calorie deficit-260
Yay for Claire! And I like that browsing through ideas is just showing you that your space is already pretty great. Looking for those few perfect pieces will be such fun.
So happy you can off-road with Claire and enjoy your rides even more with your new bike. Have you looked at It sorts images by style and room type . I've used it to do a house remodel and love it. You can save images on the site in different folders if you like, too. I remember having elongated crocheted animal figures with funny noses, too, when I free-form crocheted as a kid. I bet most people's starter pieces look like that!
The knitting group sounds like a fun group. I love that you have fallen in love with your bike already. I'll enjoy reading about your days drawing out as our days draw in. I have to not turn into a hermit in Winter.
Yay for Claire! And I like that browsing through ideas is just showing you that your space is already pretty great. Looking for those few perfect pieces will be such fun.
I hope it will be fun. I get put off always by realizing what I would need to pay for these little spruce ups, and then I usually just don't hopefully I can find some affordable options...
So happy you can off-road with Claire and enjoy your rides even more with your new bike. Have you looked at It sorts images by style and room type . I've used it to do a house remodel and love it. You can save images on the site in different folders if you like, too. I remember having elongated crocheted animal figures with funny noses, too, when I free-form crocheted as a kid. I bet most people's starter pieces look like that!
Thanks Marsia. I had a look through that site but didn't find anything too inspiring...but will keep looking...I think it may just be a matter of getting stuff tucked away in lovely cabinets...that is my biggest issue here is the lack of cupboard and cabinet space so that even with such a minimalist life, things can still easily look cluttered to me. I am surprised though when I look through pictures that is supposed to inspire, how much stuff is included, like very few minimalist pictures. I just always like really empty, clear spaces.
The knitting group sounds like a fun group. I love that you have fallen in love with your bike already. I'll enjoy reading about your days drawing out as our days draw in. I have to not turn into a hermit in Winter.
Yeah the knitting group is a nice bunch for sure!
I have decided to redo the body of the mouse...hopefully the next go will go better!

yesterday was good. The weather is just on a really lovely streak so it's easy to enjoy the days. Went on a shorter walk with a couple of friends yesterday on some lovely trails.

Continuing on my spring clean and purge. Even that is just helping things to feel clearer and nicer, so definitely a good place to begin rather than just buying cabinets to cram it all into! haha.

walk-2 hours
essentrics/physio-1 hour
sugar calories-350
calorie deficit-100
c) get a little cabinet for the top of my dresser where things can be stored without being seen--would love something artsy for that...

Oh, I like the sound of that!

Maybe you should just go with it and turn the mouse into an alien? It could still be cute!
Decluttering is a really good idea in any space. I love looking around my house & not seeing anything that shouldn't be there. I even have some almost empty cupboards & some that have nothing up the back. You have to be a bit ruthless, but giving to charity is rewarding.
Purging stuff is so satisfying, especially in a small living space. Best of luck!
So far so good! Already the little I've done is making a big difference. i think that's one benefit of a small space is I don't end up really accumulating all that much so stuff is more quickly cleared out. I realize I must have done a de-clutter not too long ago too so really not so much to be done.
Oh, I like the sound of that!

Maybe you should just go with it and turn the mouse into an alien? It could still be cute!
haha well we'll see what he turns out as. I just really think his body is too skinny for my liking any which will redo that...
Decluttering is a really good idea in any space. I love looking around my house & not seeing anything that shouldn't be there. I even have some almost empty cupboards & some that have nothing up the back. You have to be a bit ruthless, but giving to charity is rewarding.
Oh I love the sound of empty cupboards. I don't think I would ever get there as really I have so little cupboard space, but you have inspired me to definitely put that on the list to declutter. If I can declutter a couple of cabinet shelves in the kitchen, I could possibly store other things in there...I don't have much that could go to a charity shop-a few things but not much. One thing I will have to do is clear out a good portion of jars that I end up saving for food storage. Jars from nut butters and sauerkraut--they are handy for food storage but I only have need for so many. I hate to just take those to recycling as they are such good jars, it seems like such a waste, but they are taking up space and I don't need them all.

I did find a few pictures on that site that @Marsia sent that seem nice and clutter free, but all the ones I saw were of big houses...I think for mine I will have to look more to the Japanese style for inspiration. Small clutter-free places.

I am trying to commit to 30 mins-1 hour per day for Spring Clearing and Cleaning!

Yesterday was good. Got out for my walk-run that I haven't done in a while. Wasn't sure where to go on my schedule since I had a bit of a break from it, but just carried on from where I left off with the idea that I could cut back on the running time if it felt like too much as it seemed a bit of a jump up with the running intervals up to 10 minutes. But it went well. Beautiful run. Very meditative.

I ate well at the start of the day, then really overdid the sweets in the afternoon, but only ate some yogurt and some apple in the evening so I still got a deficit. So a good day in all.

walk-run 1:10 x4 no pain
extra walk time-1 hour
sugar cals-450
calorie deficit-250
Talking about skinny puppets: is he the the kind of mouse that might like to wear a jacket? Because in that case it'd be really helpful if he's on the skinny side.
Do you have a whole foods store nearby, where you take jars & can fill them up? Our local one loves getting my jars as they are always clean & have all labels removed. A jar is not allowed in my cupboard with a label still on it. :blush5:
I'm really glad that I said to our architect that I wanted as much storage space as possible in our house.
That's lovely that you got out & had such a good run. Well done on having that deficit for the day 👏
Talking about skinny puppets: is he the the kind of mouse that might like to wear a jacket? Because in that case it'd be really helpful if he's on the skinny side.
haha a jacket would be great, but I don't think I'm there yet with that level--i think easier for me to just redo the body...
Do you have a whole foods store nearby, where you take jars & can fill them up? Our local one loves getting my jars as they are always clean & have all labels removed. A jar is not allowed in my cupboard with a label still on it. :blush5:
I'm really glad that I said to our architect that I wanted as much storage space as possible in our house.
That's lovely that you got out & had such a good run. Well done on having that deficit for the day 👏
That's great you can take your jars in. I don't know of anywhere here that will take them for re-use like that...We do have one store where you can buy refills and bring your own jars in, but they don't take your old ones for other customers.
Yes this suite is really well-designed in many ways, but really not for storage at all. If I wanted to invest some good money, I could see a lot of improvements I could make like that around here that I'm sure the landlords would be fine with, but I don't really want to invest a lot.

Yesterday was good. However, we did get the first taste of real heat in the afternoon and I didn't like that. Reminded me of how hot summers can get. It was cool in the morning and evening though. This morning is nice and cool as well, but another afternoon of heat coming up :(

But yeah got out on a nice little ride with Claire in the morning. We did an easy, enjoyable one with lots of stops. Did another visit to the duck pond to see all the little guys--so sweet! Also did a stop at that garden where they are revitalizing a piece of land that had been taken over by invasive plants. It's a pretty amazing project. Huge. I will try and make usual stops there to see the progress over time.

Bike 30 min
walk-45 min
sugar cals-420
calorie deficit-170
I adore Japanese minimalist houses, though I couldn't have a house like that because I am too sentimental and like decorating with happy things that remind me of nice memories. Houzz has a Japanese website, and you can hit the translate button in the browser . That's so nice you got to see the ducklings again. I guess I don't see them here because of the alligators. I am a sucker for good jars and have all these antique canning jars with no rubber seals that I save anyway just because the jars are so nice and seem so useful. (My fantasy is that I will have so many seeds from the garden that I can save them in the jars.) I wish I were more minimal! I'd love to hear how that permaculture project is doing if you do get to visit here and there!