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  • Llama
    Llama reacted to liza3's post in the thread Llama with Like Like.
    Periods are so inconvenient in their unpredictability! Very cool that you and your dad now have meditation to discuss together.
  • Llama
    Llama replied to the thread Cate's Diary.
    Glad to hear you're feeling more positive about R. I don't think I could've cut it as a mom!
  • Llama
    Llama replied to the thread Liza.
    I like progressive muscle relaxation as well, but it seems to work best for me when someone tells me what to do live. (Or when I tell my...
  • Llama
    Llama replied to the thread Llama.
    Dad does still meditate, and enjoys it. He never normally talks about it though, so I'm glad I brought it up. Thanks for the...
  • Llama
    Llama reacted to Marsia's post in the thread Llama with Like Like.
    Wow, so nice your dreams are helping you see that you are on track! I love that feeling of elation when you are done with an obligation...
  • Llama
    Llama replied to the thread Marsia's Diary.
    Does the screenhouse have an opening at the top where bees can get out when they fly toward the light?
  • M
    Marsia replied to the thread Marsia's Diary.
    Thanks everyone! We have bottlenose dolphins that strand-feed here, which is unusual for dolphins. This page has a nice video...
  • M
    Marsia reacted to Cate's post in the thread Marsia's Diary with Like Like.
    I am glad you have had some cooler days to get stuff done & fit in some pleasurable things too. Stay away from the fried chicken, M ;)...
  • M
    Marsia reacted to Llama's post in the thread Marsia's Diary with Like Like.
    Do you get the pink river dolphins? They're so alien and special.
  • M
    Marsia reacted to liza3's post in the thread Marsia's Diary with Like Like.
    Yay for cooler days. The time at the nursery and the marsh walk sound beautiful!
  • M
    Marsia replied to the thread Llama.
    Wow, so nice your dreams are helping you see that you are on track! I love that feeling of elation when you are done with an obligation...
  • M
    Marsia reacted to Cate's post in the thread Llama with Like Like.
    Let that mild guilt go away where it belongs, Llama :) You must feel freer. Yay for being back on track xo
  • M
    Marsia reacted to Llama's post in the thread Llama with Like Like.
    I feel mildly guilty for being as elated as I am about being done with my obligation to Neighbor. A true weight dropped. Watched a...
  • M
    Marsia reacted to Llama's post in the thread Llama with Like Like.
    Not meditation, but definitely a great use of my time. Thankfully today is the last time I'm helping Neighbor as well because between...
  • M
    Marsia reacted to liza3's post in the thread Llama with Like Like.
    Nice you could connect with your dad and share meditation experiences. Does he still meditate? It's such an interesting adventure to go...