Static vs Dynamic stretching


Does anyone have the definitive answer as to which type of stretching is best for you :- Dynamic or Static?

Also is one better than the other depending on your body shape.
I have been doing static stretching for a while now, but have been seeing a lot about how Dynamic is better.


Short answer no there is no definitive answer.
I do predominantly static stretching because they are the most effective cool down stretches to relax the body and clear out crud from the muscles than dynamic alternatives.
I have done a great deal of dance in the past where there was a lot of dynamic stretching and I was more flexible at that time, however I spent a lot more time stretching then in general than I do now so it is hard to say which was the main factor.
Better for you is dependant on what you want, if it's faster flexibility, probably dynamic, but there is a higher risk of damage when doing this, higher doesn't mean definite. If you aren't in a rush and like a bit of safety and relaxation at the end of insanity static all the way.
Dynamic stretching is a part of warming up. You need to get the muscles pliable before activity without risking tears or relaxing the muscle and lowering your power output. Static stretching is necessary after exercise though. Dynamic stretching won't allow any permanent muscle lengthening, as the muscle requires a prolonged stretch in order for the "anti-stretch nerves" to stop firing.
Hey mackabee, very interesting question. In my opinion i think both is best for you. I guess it really depends on what type of activity you doing.Where playing sports which evolves alot of ballistic movements then dynamic stretching will be useful. I prefer static stretching in the beginning of a workouts (cardio and weights). This is my opinion.
thanks all for your advice.
I have read a lot recently showing that possibly Dynamic before exercise and static post workout.
I agree that the foam roller is a great addition to a stretching routine.
What I would recommend for your stretching is to do both static and dynamic, as suggested by others here.
For my own workout routine, I do 3 minutes of stretches on the ground, 3 minutes while standing, and then 3 minutes of Dynamic stretches.

One thing you have to realize about stretching is that there is a TON of conflicting info out there, some sources even going so far as to say it is of NO significant advantage whatsoever.
The "best" kind of stretching is when someone ELSE is stretching YOU; however, that is hard to find.

I happen to stretch at the beginning of my workout, a time when almost everyone agrees is the WORST time. Oh well... For me it happens to work best because its easy and helps get me in the mood, gradually, for the more intense exercise to come.

In the past I have tried all kinds of different stretching modalities (except partner-assisted) and have concluded that NOTHING improves my flexibility, except for a period of time immediately following my stretching. By the next day, I have to start at square one again. I think flexibility might be something that certain people are more naturally predisposed to benefitting from than others, so don't get discouraged if you don't see dramatic "results".
What morons are saying pre-workout stretching is the worst time?
There is a potential risk doing relaxed stretches before heavy or intense training, and even more risk stretching before warming the muscles, warm up to stretch don't stretch to warm up style, but mobility stretching is very good for your workouts, a part I should and don't do.
Stretching for flexibility takes serious time and commitment ideally daily. I have lost some flexibility over the years, because I have been doing stretches to maintain and avoid injury but considering what I do activity wise are some of the worst for keeping flexible I have lost virtually nothing.
When I focussed on gaining flexibility it did come, with well warmed, relaxed, long stretches, done most days. Nowadays I don't prioritise this as highly so accept the minor loss I have got. When I retire and have more time I will get it back again, because I'll have the time and nothing more important to do.
Well you can try stretching with Suspension Trainer. I've suggested it to many colleagues. It has got a pretty reasonable price too...Suspension/bodyweight training is tremendous for improving strength, building lean, aesthetic muscle, increasing flexibility and undertake a range of exercises unachievable with gym equipment. Best of all it’s great for core conditioning, adjustable for all fitness and strength levels and builds functional strength. It is also convenient.
You can check out this link

Caleb Farmer
I guess it really depends on what type of activity you doing.Where playing sports which evolves alot of ballistic movements then dynamic stretching will be useful.
There is need to dependant on what you want, if it's faster flexibility, probably dynamic, but there is a higher risk of damage when doing this.
I'll prefer Dynamic stretching, because this will get ready your muscles in a sport exact way. While static stretching warm up may loosen off the muscles.
Hi all. Sorry for late reply. Thanks for your advice.
What I M currently doing is a very short dynamic warm up before strength training with Dumbbells or some spin bike. And then I do about 10 mins static stretching after. Have just started using foam roller too. Is that best before or after workout or both ?
Hi all. Sorry for late reply. Thanks for your advice.
What I M currently doing is a very short dynamic warm up before strength training with Dumbbells or some spin bike. And then I do about 10 mins static stretching after. Have just started using foam roller too. Is that best before or after workout or both ?
Dynamic stretching before a workout.
Static stretching after a workout.

P.S. Remember that fitness and nutrition is always very subjective, so don't try and look for definite answers. :)