Smart Supplementation

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This is a paper I just finished for my Health and Wellness class. I was limited on how long the paper could be and therefore not everything out there is covered. This paper addresses what I consider 'smart supplementation' for the average person.

Smart Supplementation​

An individual’s diet is often lacking in important aspects. Obviously each person has different needs to a certain extent but there are certain supplements that when supplemented with can and will have a beneficial impact on the quality of life. Since there is so much media, marketing, and other types of hype on a number of supplements that can leave the average person feeling overwhelmed, unsure of what they really need, or just plain misinformed. The purpose of this paper is to address five supplements that are beneficial to the average person. These supplements are: Omega 3 fatty acids, multivitamins, multiminerals, green foods, and antioxidants.

Omega 3 fatty acids: EPA and DHA come from cold water fish and other northern marine animals and it seems the benefits of fish oils have only been recently discovered. A typical diet is lacking in these essential fats and supplementing with fish oils can only be of benefit. Fish oils are made up of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). EPA and DHA are especially abundant in “brain cells, adrenal glands, nerve relay stations (synapses), visual receptors (retinas), and sex glands—the most biochemically active tissues in our body” (from Udo Erasmus in his book “Fats that Heal Fats that Kill” page 259). When our diet is lacking in Omega 3 fatty acids it is clear to see that the body cannot function at an optimal level. By supplementing with EPA and DHA one can reverse the negative health effects by adding a few fish oil capsules into Omega 3 deficient diet. With so many individuals consuming a high fat diet, it can only help to replace some of the less nutritious fats with Omega 3 fatty acids for its obvious health benefits.

Supplementing with fish oil has a host of benefits (from Erasmus 260): Reducing the likelihood of heart attack and stroke, more fully open arteries and less atherosclerotic tissue in arteries, lower high triglycerides (by 75 to 50 mg/dl in one study), EPA lowers elevated blood pressure, and prevention of strokes, heart attacks, and other pulmonary and cardiovascular problems.
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Multivitamin: Not a lot of explanation is needed to explain the benefits of taking a multi-vitamin, and if for nothing else, should be taken for preventative measures. I have yet to find an individual that consumed to many fruits and vegetables or whose diet was perfectly tuned to provide all the vitamins for optimal functioning. Many nutrients in foods are destroyed through the cooking process or if they aren’t destroyed in whole they are denatured or degraded. With the mass numbers consuming fast food as meals, it’s painfully obvious to see that a typical diet is missing or lacking in so many necessary vitamins. Some brands of multivitamins are of a much better quality than others and I recommend a multivitamin that is made from whole food sources and includes a green foods complex.

Multimineral: I had to agree with Kristi Adams when I interviewed her that this one is important because the food supply is “often mineral deficient due to contaminated and over-planted soils they are grown in”. In fact, when the body is lacking in minerals it cannot process micro and macronutrients and we respond poorly on a cellular level. It should also be noted that many multivitamins are low in the percentage for the recommended daily value intake of minerals. Therefore, taking a multivitamin works only as well as if we are consuming enough minerals to process these vitamins (not to mention the processing of macronutrients).

Green food: Green food supplementation is not often mentioned. But make no mistake; this can be a very good supplement to consume. Green foods can be found in a variety of powders like a brand called Greens Plus or in a capsule form like barley grass or wheat grass (such as a brand called Sweet Wheat). The benefits of supplementing with a green food is cellular renewal, more oxygen production throughout the body, keeping the body more alkaline as stated by Aresha Burlingame, an herbalist, during an interview I had with her. The benefits of keeping the body in a more alkaline state is that an individual is less likely to contract cancer, arthritis, and autoimmune deficiencies because these conditions all thrive in an acidic environment. Besides wheat grass and barley grass, alfalfa, spirulina, and chlorella are really good green food supplements.

Antioxidants: This last supplement should be noted that will be of a great benefit to many individuals. Antioxidants have a myriad of benefits from fighting off cancers and free radicals to anti-inflammatory benefits to immune function. There are dozens of antioxidants on the market and obviously listing everyone and their benefits is beyond the scope of this paper. However, a few that I think of high importance are grape seed extract (reduces cancer/promotes new cellular growth/liver protection), glucosamine (joint protection/fights osteoarthritis or osteo-related disabilities), and probiotics (replaces healthy intestinal flora/digestion benefits/fights candida). Vitamin E, C, B, and zinc would also be beneficial in supplementing over what is given in a multivitamin as these act as excellent antioxidants.

Obviously, this paper touched but on the surface of what can be used to as supplementation for a better quality of life. Although supplements never replace a healthy, complete diet, supplements definitely have their place in a healthy lifestyle.
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