
I was kind of frustrated. I could really feel the tension build up inside. Then I realized it was building up to an excuse for a binge. And somehow I managed to just pop the tension bubble. Fingers crossed it won't regrow later today.
I hope you were/are able to resist. I know that feeling, though I don't usually notice the build up to a binge, it just happens...
One of them was a jar of Mirabell plums I made at least 8 years ago. There was still a vacuum and they smelled lovely so throwing them out hurt my heart but I did it anyway...
Does canned stuff that still has a vacuum ever go bad? If it smells good I eat it, probably stuff at least this old. But I am no expert, just managed to get by with a minimum of food poisoning so far.
Sorry about derailing the topic a bit but it is interesting how from a certain point of view, such a thing as "psychogenic symptoms" don't really exist because they are felt in the body and measurable. This is exactly how people who believe in curses or God's retribution or black magic can really die from "the evil eye" - I think it would be a fascinating research topic to examine what cultural beliefs we hold that to us feel logical but are far from that.
I agree it is an interesting thing. I don't believe in the supernatural, however I know from experience that the voodoo curses and the like in Louisiana are real. Its pretty well documented that voodoo can cause illness and even death. I am sure it's all psychogenic as you say, but real none the less. It also explains the much more common placebo effect of many treatments and drugs, I think that happens to all of us now and then.
Does canned stuff that still has a vacuum ever go bad? If it smells good I eat it, probably stuff at least this old. But I am no expert, just managed to get by with a minimum of food poisoning so far.
I trust professionally canned stuff pretty far beyond the best by date but my own? Maybe I'll have a try next time...
I’m crossing all my fingers and toes for you.
Thank you! Should've seen that before I went grocery shopping... I wasn't hungry. I wasn't sad or bored. I was tired (should've napped) and my stomach was a little irritated but I think it was mostly decompressing Saturday habit.
I trust professionally canned stuff pretty far beyond the best by date but my own?
Guess I am the opposite. After my grandmother died I kept a case of her fig preserves around for many years, a nice reminder of her. Opened them one at a time over at least 12 years, never a problem.
Maybe I'll have a try next time...
Let us know if you get botulism or anything...
Oh, I'd definitely trust my mom's preserves! I think botulism makes the can/lid bulge a bit from thebextra pressure so that should be avoidable. Probably no chance to let you know if I do get it though: maybe I'll just tell you I'll be trying something dicey beforehand so if I never come back you'll know why.

I should really go for a proper hike tomorrow but I promised Nephew I'd check/repair his xp farm in the morning so I may be leaving a little later than I'd like on a sunny day. Oh well: that's what you get for promising stuff without thinking first 🤷‍♀️

@Marsia I made properly thirsty müsli today: used boiling water instead of cold and it just went bloop. Want to see what it does for the consistency. There's a slight graininess in the cold overnight version which I don't remember from my childhood oatmeal. Am I overthinking müsli? Yes. There's something satisfying about it: adding a scoop of this, a scoop of that, two scoops of the next thing, a pinch of the fourth...
I just caught up on your diary, and all the talk of muesli is making me really, really want to try it. I wonder how they get the grains the right consistency though. If you eat raw oats, they don't taste like the oats in muesli. So cool you made yours drink up all the liquids. I love enthusiasms from childhood that don't go away when we grow up!

That's really wonderful that you caught yourself getting all tense and frustrated and let it go before it built up into a binge!!! Bringing those patterns to consciousness makes them just dissolve in the light of scrutiny!

I hope you do get out for a nice walk, and it's good to see you going in a good direction again!! :)
Oh, I'd definitely trust my mom's preserves! I think botulism makes the can/lid bulge a bit from thebextra pressure so that should be avoidable. Probably no chance to let you know if I do get it though: maybe I'll just tell you I'll be trying something dicey beforehand so if I never come back you'll know why.
That really made me laugh!
I hope you get some walking in LaMa xo
Thanks Cate, Marsia, and Floater!
I wonder how they get the grains the right consistency though.
To me müsli is a catch-all term for any mixture of oats (and/or other rolled grains), nuts/seeds, milk/water, and fruit, dried or fresh. I assume in the US you'd mean what we call Bircher Müsli? That would be overnight oats, probably in milk, grated apple, raisins and hazelnuts/walnuts/almonds. Starting with cold milk/water your grains don't soak up very much water and the mixture stays kind of grainy. Start out with hot liquid and it gets way more homogenous.

Almost made it to the end of my walk. Just sat down to eat the second half of my breakfast. Considered trying the McPlant on my way home but it looks like I won't be hungry enough...
Oh, I'd definitely trust my mom's preserves! I think botulism makes the can/lid bulge a bit from thebextra pressure so that should be avoidable.
I am sure your mother's preserves are fine. My theory is that so long as the vacuum remains and the lid is tight there should have been no bacterial growth and its probably ok. Worked out so far.
Considered trying the McPlant
What is a McPlant?
To me müsli is a catch-all term for any mixture of oats (and/or other rolled grains), nuts/seeds, milk/water, and fruit, dried or fresh. I assume in the US you'd mean what we call Bircher Müsli?
Its not a term used so much here, I think it just refers to some brands of cereal, kind of exotic... You peaked my interest so I looked it up, sounds good I may give it a try. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muesli
Oh, so it IS Swiss. Swiss German uses the ending -li for diminutive forms and Mus just means... something like mush/mash.

The McPlant is a vegan burger. The internet tells me every McDonald's in the country should have it and I'd kind of like to try it (because sometimes McD is convenient and I really don't like the cardboard they use in their meat burgers very much) but the one I walked by this week didn't have it.
Had a good day. Lovely walk, decent food, nice chat and game with my sister. Proud to not have binged after my walk!

If the weather's ok on Thursday I'd like to try a day hike I've been eyeing for a while. Howver I noticed today that the soles of my hiking shoes are pretty much gone, inside and out, so if I don't want to hurt my feet I really should get new ones before I attempt longer hikes. Maybe I can go shoe shopping after work on Tuesday.
Tomorrow morning I may or may not go to the gym*. I will have breakfast, clean a bit, and prep lunch and dinner. And maybe Tuesday's breakfast, so I won't have to do so in the evening. Late shift, bath, bed.

*I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the non-regular week to come and it makes me not want to leave the house more than strictly necessary. And I need to remind me that it's ok if I end up sleeping an extra hour rather than going to the gym. If I hsppen to wake up feeling fresh and motivated I'll go and be happy about it.
Sounds like a really good, well-balanced day, LaMa. I hope you find some good hiking shoes. My new Merrell Moabs make such a difference to my daily walks that I have been adding more distance & heading into the bush more. I think I much prefer hiking shoes to boots.
I like that muesli translates as little mush mash! The brand we got had a few different kinds of rolled grains, dried fruit and dates, but I don't remember what else. I'll have to find a health food store here with a good bulk department with lots of rolled grains!

Remember you can meditate if the weird schedule is making you feel anxious, too. Good idea to sleep more and feel rested if you aren't up for exercising! Hope you find lovely hiking boots. I have the worst time finding them as I need to get European sizes with my extra narrow heals. I agree about the well-balanced day! :)
Thanks Cate and Marsia.
My new Merrell Moabs make such a difference to my daily walks that I have been adding more distance & heading into the bush more. I think I much prefer hiking shoes to boots.
Same. I generally stick to the trails anyway and they're rarely bad enough to need boots. Boots are so much more restrictive, warm, and heavy.
Remember you can meditate if the weird schedule is making you feel anxious, too.
Good shout, thanks.
I need to get European sizes with my extra narrow heals.
That would be mediterranean brands then. European size doesn't say anything about width but it's generally northern European brands that are wider and southern European ones that are narrower. I don't stand a chance with Italian or Spanish shoes.

Woke up too early and know I need the sleep so I turned around and thankfully ended up falling asleep again. Got up just after 6 to go to the gym... and the dude who was supposed to work the early shift didn't have the key and was waiting for someone to bring it. Took that as a sign from the universe that today would not be a gym day so now the laundry's already folded and I'm in the bath tub browsing the forum with very little guilt.
Did about two hours of cleaning and it's time to decompress. It's funny: my body isn't tired (pollen count is down and so is my AH consumption) but my brain is freaking out about this week being different. Decided to buy a poppyseed roll for lunch on my way to work to reduce food prep. Now I just have to do a quick grocery shop and prep a salad and somehow even that feels like a lot. Glad I got a good breakfast in.
My new containers are all clean and filled and while I still need to get a couple more it already looks a lot neater.
Also: I'm a bit of a noodlehead sometimes. When I'm going grocery shopping anyway I can easily buy some rolls and put something on them for a much cheaper lunch. My brain may not want to think about proper food prep right now but assembly I can do.
Just had the second half of my lunch. Feel like a bottomless pit but I'm sure it's better to put off starting on my dinner wraps until my next break. Will do some breathing exercises for the rest of my break to try and feel my body rather than my nerves.
Could've sworn I'd posted more yesterday. Oh well: the day ended without catastrophies. Had a small handful of cashews and cranberries on top of my planned meals but no binges. Slept very deeply and am only now starting to wake up properly, even though it's close to 10 am and I've already seen 9 patients. Still planning to go shoe shopping in the afternoon. Will grab a bite to eat on my way into town.
Tried well over a dozen pairs of shoes in three different stores and ended up buying this year's version of the same shoe I got last year. I don't care if they wear out within a year again: I need my feet to be comfortable and apparently that's impossible with higher end shoes. Will try wearing my old shoes for shorter hikes a while longer to really squeeze the last bit of use out of them.

Was stupid tired after shopping but didn't binge. Did have 100 g of chocolate when it might've been better to have 50 g but that's not a binge.

Tomorrow: will go to the gym or go running only if I wake up feeling like it. Gotta do some dusting and clean the floors. Go grocery shopping. Prep food. Go to work early. Must remember to go to work early. Maybe I should set an alarm so I can't ignore this unwanted knowledge. Got a... dunno what it's called. Performance... meeting? Whatever: gotta go see to sub-boss between patients to talk about how things are going. Don't expect any nuclear bombs but it's probably better if I'm not late tomorrow.
Shoe shopping is such a pain. I was amazed to find a good comfortable pair of hiking shoes almost straight away this year. I did do some research beforehand though & went straight to the men's shoes. So far, so good. I'm walking further. I'm sure you will pass "the test" tomorrow, LaMa :)