Frequent pulled muscles, pulling sensations during exercise. Tips?


New member

I've been having some issues when exercising recently. During exercise I usually get a sharp pulling sensation in a local area somewhere amongst the muscles that are being targeted in that exercise. This happens very early in the exercise routine. It's usually not associated with a feeling of muscle fatigue and I don't get the 'burning' in a large area like from lactic acid development. This sensation is completely different, it's very localized and sharp and happens early in the workout (usually). When I get it, it doesn't go away until I stop using that muscle/doing that exercise. Sometimes it has also continued (like a proper 'pulled muscle') afterwards whenever I were to use the muscle.

I have to stop doing that exercise when I get it, which usually means that my progress in exercise is very slow. The thighs are most affected, particularly quadriceps and hamstrings, but I might also have experienced something similar in a part of my arms. When I was running with a group I got a pulled quadricep after maybe 10 minutes. I wasn't tired really and I didn't see anyone else getting issues. When I was in a group exercise I got pulled hamstrings (both, first one, then the other when I tried to put more weight on that one) very early too. This was a beginners class and most people there were over 50. I'm 27. Couldn't walk properly for two weeks. My doctor checked my CK this time, it was 700 at the time they tested (normal for me; 70), which I was told wasn't too high.

I feel that I usually get these localized sharp pulling sensations before I'm able to experience much muscle 'burn' or fatigue.

I have never had this issue before and I feel that it's slightly strange. Do you know what could be causing something like this? Otherwise I'm mostly looking for tips that could make this less of an issue.
How much time do you spend warming up ?

Have you ever done a mobility and stability assessment to help determine where your problems are? A lot of pain in the human body is referred from a problem elsewhere.